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Head uut aastat kõigile! Kuna uus aasta on alanud, otsustasime laupäeval Mikuga peale 2 uue vinge video filmimist HC Gymis Chopsticksis maha istuda ning rääkida natukene oma plaanidest - mida aasta 2016 meile ja meie channelile toomas on. Üks meist on näiteks alates homsest asuma ajateenistuja kohustusi täitma... aga lähemalt juba videos, tšekkige järgi :) !

PS: peale 2.5h treenimist ja ühte korralikku post-workout meali pole ikka üldse kerge jutustada seal, sellepärast ka selline väsinud "look" :D

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Küsimus kohe, et mis Sa plaanid kaasa võtta? Toidulisandeid? Seal 3x päevas antakse süüa, aga valkude osakaal on väga madal.

Aga huvitav oleks jep teada, kuidas Sulle see mõjub.

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Küsimus kohe, et mis Sa plaanid kaasa võtta? Toidulisandeid? Seal 3x päevas antakse süüa, aga valkude osakaal on väga madal.

Aga huvitav oleks jep teada, kuidas Sulle see mõjub.

Hetkel on kotis umbes 5 odavama poolset valgubatooni (15g per batoon), 300g seisma jäänud valgupulbrit ning paar pakki beef jerkyt. Ei julgenud pikki plaane teha, eriti toidu osas seega esimene mõte on päevas keskmiselt 100g valku täis süüa, üritades kaloraazi mitte plussi ajada. Nähes hetkel kõrvalt jõusaali inimesi sõjaväes, võin julgelt väita, et ei juhtu midagi hullu seal. Peaasi on tehtud tööd säilitada ning pea selge hoida ;) Alati saab lasta igast valgulisi asju juurde tuua lähedastel, eks see selgub juba koha peal

Väikse sneak-peaki, mis HC Gymis filmides toimus leiad Instagramist:



Edited by theaestheticproject

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Mõnusat pühapäeva õhtut kõigile! Video, mida oma eelmises videopostituses mainisime on üleval ning vingem kui me oleks osanud arvata! Käisime koos Miku ja Markus Mikuga HC Gym'is ning filmimise ühe tõeliselt eepilise trennivideo (pange tähele - Miko, Mikk ja Markus Mikk lol :D). Sellest samast videost on tulemas veel üks teine versioon aga seda natukene hiljem. Senikaua aga nautige videot - ootame rõõmuga teie tagasisidet ning kui te veel ei ole seda teinud siis vajutage seda toredat kandilist Subscribe-buttonit YouTubes ^_^ !



Tundub, et meie videote vastu on aina kasvavat huvi näitama hakanud ka kassid. Siin ei jää muud üle kui tuleb üks kassidele suunatud trennivideo lindistada.


Edited by theaestheticproject

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Enne kui Mikk ajateenistuse kohustusi täitma ja tatart igapäevaselt sööma läks, filmis ta meile ühe mõnusa ab-routine'i, mille me just üles laadisime - minge vaadake järgi :)!

Lisaks täitus meil vahepeal ka 100 subscriberi mark, mis on YouTube'i mõistes küll väga väike number kuid kui need kõik subscriberid kokku kutsuda ühte ruumi ja mõelda, et need on inimesed, kes mingilmääralgi meie videosid ootavad ja kes hoolivad, mida me teeme siis see on meie jaoks väga suur asi. Täname Mikuga siiralt teid kõiki, lets keep it up B).

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Kas ajateenistuse igapäevaelust tuleb ka pilte?

Kindlasti oleks kõigil huvitav vaadata.

Jõudu teile!

Aitäh, väga hea küsimus kusjuures! Sõjaväes on üpris rangelt reguleeritud sealse materjali tootmine ja avaldamine ning igapäeva olmet ei ole väga lihtne jäädvustada. Küll aga lubas Mikk jäädvustada varsti oma treeninguid seal (mõned jutud, kuidas ta seal leidlikult voodi najal row'e teeb ja killuvesti tooli najale lisaraskuseks pannes õlga teeb on päris pullid :D) ning linnaloale saades räägib juba pikemalt sealsetest tegevustest läbi kulturisti silmade ning üritab anda võimalikult palju infot tulevastele kaitseväelastele :). Lähiajal arvatavasti plaanis ka Mikule külla sõita ning teha selle kohta väike videoblog. Nii, et huvitavat contenti on kindlasti lähiajal tulemas ;)

Edited by theaestheticproject

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Aitäh, väga hea küsimus kusjuures! Sõjaväes on üpris rangelt reguleeritud sealse materjali tootmine ja avaldamine ning igapäeva olmet ei ole väga lihtne jäädvustada. Küll aga lubas Mikk jäädvustada varsti oma treeninguid seal (mõned jutud, kuidas ta seal leidlikult voodi najal row'e teeb ja killuvesti tooli najale lisaraskuseks pannes õlga teeb on päris pullid :D) ning linnaloale saades räägib juba pikemalt sealsetest tegevustest läbi kulturisti silmade ning üritab anda võimalikult palju infot tulevastele kaitseväelastele :). Lähiajal arvatavasti plaanis ka Mikule külla sõita ning teha selle kohta väike videoblog. Nii, et huvitavat contenti on kindlasti lähiajal tulemas ;)

Mike Chang's towel rows? :lol: :lol: :lol::D :D :D

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I want to cover a very controversial and important subject, I will talk about overtraining. Why? Because lately I

found myself in a state of overtraining and this is not the first time. The subject itself is a very important one to be

discussed because it might influence your development, inside and outside the gym. CT Fletcher fans might ask what is overtraining and

say its all bullshit, but im going to let you decide!

This article will be divided into 2 parts:

1. how to recognize if im in a state of overtraining, what are the symptoms

2. how to recover from it, how to plan my training at this period and also nutrition, plus preventing overtraining in the future.

1. So how do I know if i am overtrained? Maybe im just tired, had a hard week at work or school... but really there are

many indicators, which together link to overtraining.

✪ First indicator is your overall feeling. You feel this overall tiredness, in the gym and also outside the gym.

You will experience a lost of drive, for a example instead of going to training you feel like just staying at home to sleep. Training

simply doesnt seem as exciting as it used to be. The important thing is to feel the difference between overtraining

and just lazyness or decreased motivation.

✪ Second indicator is the training. Whether you are a bodybuilder or some other athlete, you need to analyse your progress.

If the results are have been very static, there hasn't been a clear path of progress and even you see things going downhill,

its clear that something is not right. If you are a bodybuilder, in my opinion the best way to analyse your progress is by

compound movements like bench or squat. Usually these are the first things that go downhill when you experience overtraining.

✪ Thirdly look over your training of last few months even as far as back to six months. Now search for things like increased volume,

increased intesity and most important - have you given yourself enough time to rest and recover. We are not robots, we can not perform

good all the time, recovery is crushial. Sometimes to guarantee progress for a longer period, we need to think ahead.

Think how can I be better in long term which this sport is actually all about.

✪ Last thing is our overall health. Unusual traumas, or just pain in your knees, back, wrists, shoulders etc

might show a sign of overtraining. For me personally this is the first thing I notice and from this point I will start to look

other symptoms to make sure if I need to give my body more time time to recover, or even to take a deload week. Overtraining might even

cause fever and nausea during or after trainings. Also more intesive DOMS

So to end the first part lets shortly conclude all the symptoms that might suggest to overtraining:

✔ Tiredness, loss of energy

✔ Loss of drive or motivation

✔ Strenght loss or stamina loss

✔ Joint pains

✔ Increased doms and oftenly occuring muscle soreness

✔ Long period of training without substantial recovery time

✔ Feeling sick or nausea during workouts

VERY IMPORTANT is to understand that seperately all of these symptoms are totally normal

but when you exprience most or all of these togehter you might be experiencing overtraining.

To start off this part, its important to emphasize taking action when feeling the symptoms of overtraining. When a person proceeds to push himself even harder when being in a overtraining state, it only makes the recovery process longer.

This is a usual thing for bodybuilders in the last stages of competition prep. Usually the recovery from dieting is as long

as the diet itself, so very simply - the bigger is the stress from overtraining, the bigger is the setback!

✪ Training - these are the instructions how to set up your training. I wil give five important points to follow:

✔ Not more than 3-4 trainings per week.

✔ Number of sets should be half of what you did before. For an example: you used to do 16 sets of chest, now do 8.

✔ Rep range should stay between 8 or 10, even if you can do 12 or 14.

✔ Split should be upper/lower or push/pull/legs.

✔ Choose your most favourite exercises, the ones you enjoy the most.

This kind of process when you try to get out of the overtraining state could last from one week up to 8 weeks. I normally

do this approximately two weeks before I feel like training harder again.

Its also not a bad thing if you do something other as a sport on this recovery period

(ballsports, swimming, running (but definitely not crossfit lol) just to come out from that same "old" bodybuilding routine.

✪ Nutrition

Next subject that I will cover is nutriton. The main point is to take the nutritional side a bit more easier during that period.

If you are dieting, I would suggest you not to lose more weight at that point. Try to keep the calories at the maintenace point

or even in a little surplus. The reason why is that you shouldn't put any more stress on your body, when dieting its smarter to give your metabolism a little break.

Good food means better mood and overall hapiness, also more energy. If you can try to do a blood test, it could give you a good

overview about your micronutrient needs, which also helps the recovery process.

✪ I dont want to be in a state of overtraining, how can I prevent it?

Here are a few steps that can help you stay in a healthier state - physically and mentally:

1. Avoid going "all out" during your workouts.

Whether your a strength athlete or doing an endurance sport, "maxing out" in all of your workouts is not a sustainable strategy.

If you want to keep on progressing steadily, there has to be a reserve kept in your workouts. This will help keeping your central

nervous system healthier and your recovery better. Working in the range between 90-100% of your capability shouldn't be bigger than 5% - 10% of time spent training.

2. Do your deloads!

Deload means basically - training very lightly or not training at all. Usually people take deload weeks, for an example after every 2 or 3 months, you spend one week doing nothing...even if you dont feel tired. This will give our body a well needed rest (even if one doesn't feel tired or overtrained) and again - prevent overtraining. One week "wasted" is much better than a month or two wasted, caused by overtraining!

3. Pump is the cure!

Overtraining is very often caused because of staying in a very one-sided rep range, for an example reps between 3-8. This can be compared to powerlifting, where sometimes due to a poorly planned training schemes, there is no progress but a lot of training.

Let the body recover through using a easier weight and by doing a lot of reps. This also helps to relax mentally, because

"over lifting your ego" is not the case anymore. These kind of 1-4 week pumping workouts can play a massive role in preventing overtraining and keeping a healthier state of mind.

4. Treat yourself!

Last but not least - just relax sometimes. Go and have a beer on a saturday night...or McDonalds with your buddies, whatever floats your boat! There is much more to life than lifting weights and these things also make you feel good! Actions like these produce endorfins, which reduce tension, whether it is mental or physical. Keeping a balanced lifestyle is something that seroius lifters tend to forget very often!

So thats it, I think I have covered most of what was on my mind, considering this subjest. Again this is a very serious topic, which has caused a lot of problems for me. I hope that this article helped at least some of your, struggling with the same issue. Keep in mind that these tips and notes are not from some textbook, these are all my own experiences. Some of you may deal with this situation differently or some of you may even not ever experienced something like overtraining, thinking its a myth. What ever the situation might be, I really enjoyed expressing my thougts into this article and sharing some knowledge.


The Aesthetic Project

Postitasime oma Facebooki lehele möödunud nädalal artikli, kus Mikk jagas oma kogemusi ja mõtteid ületreeningu osas ning nõuandeid, kuidas ületreeningut ära tunda ning kuidas sellega nö. toime tulla. Mõtlesime, et jagame ka siia foorumisse neid mõtteid. Võiksite ka oma kogemustest rääkida seoses ületreeninguga - kas olete kokku puutunud ning kuidas sellega toime tulnud olete :), aitäh!

PS: täna õhtul on võibolla uus video droppimas!

Edited by theaestheticproject

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Ületreening on juba haiguslik seisund, millest tullakse välja vähemalt kuu ajalise puhkusega. Tulemuste langus ei näita, et tegemist on kohe ületreeninguga, kuigi jah, see on üks esimesi asju, mis nö välja lööb. Kui sul on ületreening, siis inimene ei olegi eriti suuteline trenni tegema, sest ta väsib kiiresti, tal on koordinatsioonihäired, magamatud ööd (unehäired), pulss on laes või liiga madal, vererõhk on kõrge või liialt madal, söögiisu täielik puudumine jne ning muidugi ka autonoomse närvisüsteemi häired ja meeleoluhäired.

Ehk Facebookis avaldatud tekst on pigem väsimusest ja ülekoormusest. :)

CT Fletcheri suguseid kutte on ka kahjuks liiga palju.

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Selle jargi peaks ma ammu yletreeningus olema. Samas tulemused on hetkel parimad kui kunagi varem.

Yletreening on nii harv asi, et ma ei nae motet sest isegi raakida.

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OH SA TUHAT JA TULINE! The Aesthetic Project’i kaamerate ette on rabatud üks Postimaja MyFitnessi kurikuulsamaid jõusaaliekipaaže ning seekord armu ei antud. Paraku kaaperdas video sissejuhatuse väljasuremisohus olev valge tiiger, kes oma valju sõjamöirgega kogu tähelepanu endale tõmbas … mis täpsemalt toimus, vaata juba ise järele! B)

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Nagu näha siis oled ka üks "Proud but never satisfied" toetaja (Y)

Nii on ;)

Lendamisel hantlitega on küünarnukk fikseeritud, muidu on tegemist juba surumisega... Aga võib ka niimodi jap..

Eks ta mul sellise surumise ja lendamise vahepeal on jah aga see on teadlikult nii, meeldib rohkem. Saab vahel ka stiilipuhast hantlitega lendamist tehtud aga seekord siis niimoodi ...

Edited by theaestheticproject

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