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Pro contests, results, photos, news etc. 2015 - Egle San Marino Pro võitja!

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So many pro shows going on nearly every weekend, so let's create an own thread for this year's pro shows, results, photos and other IFBB pro league news.

During this weekend the circus continues at Europa Orlando show (info and competitor lists )
, Pittsburgh pro (show info and competitor lists) and Spartan's pro.

Fouad Abiad looked like this 1 week ago - heading to the this weekend's Orlando pro:

Chris Tuttle is heading to the NY pro which will be held in a week:

By the way, Phil Heath's guest posing in France at April:

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Europa show prejudging recap by MD with some footage:

More photos available at http://musculardevelopment.com/contests/events/view/1885.html#.VURSv5Ouf4y

WPD 1st call out
Rachel Baker (29) - Ayanna Carroll (33) - Michele Horan (39) - Frances Mendez (44)



Fitness - TOP 3 at physique round: Kristine Duba - Michelle Blank - Marta Aguiar


Men's open BB - TOP : Alexander Fedorov - Michael Lockett - Fouad Abiad - Pablo Ayala Zayas





Also Pittsburgh Pro is ON, prejudging rounds were yesterday, MD review with some footage as well (no photos yet available):

Ramy Elssbiay withdraw from NY Pro, George Farah interviewed about the reasoning behind this decision:

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Europa show prejudging.

More photos available at http://musculardevelopment.com/contests/events/view/1885.html#.VURSv5Ouf4y

WPD 1st call out

Rachel Baker (29) - Ayanna Carroll (33) - Michele Horan (39) - Frances Mendez (44)


Men's open BB - TOP : Alexander Federov - Michael Lockett - Fouad Abiad - Pablo Ayala Zayas


In WPD 3rd call out Loana Muttoni, I have been following her previously in insta and there she looks in quite good condition...




Can't not notice, that A. Fedorov (not Federov) looks massive (back, legs)....

Edited by eliviielo

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Weew :blink:

Anyways, bunch of results from yesterday:

At Orlando Pro Fouad Abiad (pro BB: Lockett 2nd, Fedorov 3rd), Ayanna Carroll (WPD) and Michelle Blank (fitness) took top honors and at the same time, qualified to the 2015 Olympia. For more results and scores, please click HERE. Photos available at MD.com.

TOP 5 posing routines:

TOP 5 women's fitness routines:

MD wrap up with some footage from the finals:

Fouad's post show interview:

At Pittsburgh Pro the celebrated winners were UK's Ryan Terry (MP), India Paulino (bikini) and Allison Frahn (figure). For the complete scorecards, please see NPCnewsonline.com. Complete photogalleries available as well at http://contests.npcnewsonline.com/contests/2015/ifbb_pittsburgh_pro, for more, see also RXmuscle.com.

The victory at Spartan X Pro (WPD) was taken by Candrea Judd Adams. In order to view scorecards, click HERE, and for complete photogalleries HERE.


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Phil Heath, Kai Greene, Dennis Wolf, Dexter Jackson, Shawn Rhoden, Branch Warren & Guy Cisternino guest pose at the 2015 NPC Pittsburgh Championships:

Individual routines at http://musculardevelopment.com/contests/pittsburgh-pro/30445-2015-pittsburgh-pro/14224-a-guest-pose-for-the-ages-npc-pittsburgh-championships-2015.html#.VUZsU5PrS5w/

Winner interviews from the Pittsburgh (Terry, Paulino, Frahn)

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New York Pro will be held during today, MD previews the upcoming show:

Not that great line ups as they have usually had, Vic Martinez, Juan Morel, Fedorov in though. The complete competitor lists available at http://www.ifbbpro.com/events/2015-new-york-pro/

Guy Cisternino obviously one of the front runners in -212 class, latest of him:

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NY pro results and photos available at http://contests.npcnewsonline.com/contests/2015/ifbb_new_york_pro/

Juan Morel wins against Vic Martinez and qualifies to the Mr Olympia:





Latorya Watts takes top honors in figure, India Paulino dominates bikini line up:

Other winners: Guy Cisternino (-212), Michelle Cummings (WPD), George Brown (MP)

RXmuscle.com wrap up with some footage from the comparisons:

Juan Morel interviewed by NPCnewsonline.com:

Cisternino post show interview:

And figure champion's interview with Ashley Kaltwasser:

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24 years old Dallas MCcarver takes the top honors at his pro debut show in IFBB California Pro, Saied Feras takes the runner up spot and Brad Rowe places 3rd. For the photogalleries, please visit http://contests.npcnewsonline.com/contests/2015/ifbb_california_state_championships/
Rowe (3rd) - Feras (2nd) - Mccarver (1st) - Atoyan (4th)


Some moving around...



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In addition to California Pro, also the pro athletes competed at Dennis James Classic. Courtney King celebrated the victory in bikini division and Joe Cantu was handed the biggest trophy in MP division. For the complete results with scores, please visit http://npcnewsonline.com/2015-ifbb-dennis-james-classic-official-scores/191344/ Unfortunatelly no show photos available.

Anyway, the pro season continues next weekend with Omaha Pro, Puerto Rico Pro, Mile High Pro and AC Brazil.

McMillan on 15th May, 3 weeks before the AC Brazil:

And one more of Ramy during this weekend :blink: Unreal.

DeLarosa heading to the Chicago Pro:

JOJ's work out 2,5 weeks before the Toronto Pro (to be held on 5th June)

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McMillan's latest update: "Man I think I posed in every part of the room trying to get a good look at everything. I know yall know the struggle, trying to find the right light. Anyway, this was me earlier today right off the plane this morning. Almost ready"

Rxmuscle.com interviews Toney Freeman 1 day out from the AC Brazil prejudging, see the interview (about rice cooking :D) HERE.

Shawn Rhoden interviewed at Arnold Brazil expo, Shawn talks about his upcoming Olympia prep:

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AC Brasil results:
1. Mamdouh Elssbiay

2. Cedric McMillan

3. Juan Morel

4. Vic Martinez

5. Toney Freeman

6. Brandon Curry

1. Bethany Cisternino

2. Regiane Da Silva

3. Tanji Johnson

4 hours stream available for viewing at (prejudging starts around 1.00hour)

Photos available at http://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=2739
TOP 4 at the final comparisons: Martinez - Elssbiay - McMillan - Morel









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Ram on korralik monstrum ja vorm läheb ka iga korraga paremaks. Saab näha, kuidas tal sügisel Mr Olympial läheb :rolleyes:

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Jalg on mehel ikka ulme, teised poleks nagu jalgu treeninud... :D eest eriti. Kui saab pildi veel teravamaks ,siis hakkab ka esiotsa meestele korralikult vastu Olympial, praegu on lihtsalt kuivuse osas reservi ja seal on liha nii, et isegi kui osa lihastest ära kaotada, ikka on suurem.... ;)

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Mr. Olympiat ta enne ei võida kui inglise keel vabalt suus.

Võib olla tõesti.... :D Kvaliteet peab ka minema selliseks, et kuskilt ei ole enam midagi maha kaapida, seal on tegelikult veel päris suur varu eks aeg näitab.

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Jalad on vist tõesti kõigi aegade suurimad-paremad.

Aga Mr. O võitmiseks on vaja head inglise keele oskust ja karismat. IFBB ei vali enda ala nö. kaanepoisiks ja propageerijaks meest, kes sellega hakkama ei saa. Olgu vorm kui hea tahes.

Edited by SKG

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Ramy's posing routine from the Brasil show by Team-andro.com:

In addition to AC Brasil, the pro athletes competed also in 3 other shows during yesterday. At the IFBB Norther California Kate Abate took top honors and bikini olympia qualification before the runner up Angela Marquez and 3rd placer Tamara Haddad. For the complete galleries, please visit http://contests.npcnewsonline.com/contests/2015/ifbb_northern_california_pro/ .

At the Omaha Pro the audience got the witness the battles totally in 4 divisions: women's pro BB, men's -212, WPD and women's figure. Leila Thompson dominated the WPD class and won the class with perfect scores. As unbeaten was Lisa Cross in women's BB who took her very first pro victory. A bit surprisingly Bulgarian Dobromir Delev celebrated the win in men's 212 class and beat the pro-show favorite Tricky Jackson. Ivana Ivusic was handed the biggest trophy in women's figure class. For the complete results with scores, see the scorecards at http://npcnewsonline.com/2015-ifbb-omaha-pro-official-scorecards/192222/ , and for the photos, please click http://contests.npcnewsonline.com/contests/2015/ifbb_omaha_pro/ The winners of each division earned the Olympia qualification (not in FBB though).
Delev & Cross

Ivusic & Thompson

Earnest Flowers (MP) and Jacklyn Sutton-Abrams (WPD) took the deserving victories at the IFBB Mile High Pro held on Saturday as well. For more coverage, please visit http://contests.npcnewsonline.com/contests/2015/ifbb_mile_high_pro/

I assume the Puerto Rico show is held today, so the results from there coming up later on.

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Big Ramy stage weight 315 lbs / 142 kg.

Edited by SKG

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And finally the results and photos from the Puerto Rico pro // http://contests.npcnewsonline.com/contests/2015/ifbb_puerto_rico_pro/ (complete results and contest galleries)

Figure TOP 3
1. Gennifer Strobo
2. Andrea Calhoun
3. Bruna Miyagui

Bikini TOP 3
1. Stacey Alexander
2. Courtney King
3. Angeles Burke

1. Chase Savoie
2. Arash Rahbar
3. Ryan Hinton

BB -212 TOP 3
1. Marco Rivera
2. Shaun Clarida
3. Manuel Manchado

1. Gloria Faulls
2. Silvia Alves Fraga
3. Jennifer Hernandez


Strobo & Alexander

Faulls & Rivera

Video from the bikini finals:

RXmuscle.com recap from the show:

WPD champ Faulls interviewed after her very first pro victory:

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Brandon Curry, Christine Envall (WBB), Ryall Graber (fitness), Dayna Maleton (bikini), Zane Watson (-212) and Gennifer Strobo (figure) celebrated the pro victories yesterday at Toronto Pro. For the complete results with scores, please visit http://www.ifbbpro.com/results/2015-toronto-pro-supershow-2/ for the scorecards. MP and WPD finals to come.

Photos available at http://musculardevelopment.com/contests/events/1894-toronto-pro-2015#.VXPb-kauf4w
B Curry qualifies to the 2015 Olympia, thanks to his victory tonight:
Men's open BB TOP call out: Fred Smalls (3.) - Johnnie Jackson (2.) - Brandon Curry (1.) - Ibrahim Fahim (4.)






Men's 212 TOP: Zane Watson (1.) - Mboya Edwards (4.) - Shaun Clardida (2.) - Oliver Adzievski (3.)




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Dayna Maleton, Toronto pro bikini champ:

Christine Envall, winner of women's pro bodybuilding:

Ryall Graber champion of women's fitness division:

And Gennifer Strobo dominates the figure class and takes top honors:

Kai Greene guest posing photos http://musculardevelopment.com/contests/toronto-pro/30453-toronto-pro-2015/14322-kai-greene-guest-posing-ifbb-toronto-pro-2015.html#.VXNrdkbrS5w/

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