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THE Olympia Weekend 2014 - 1. Phil Heath 2. Kai Greene 3. Shawn Rhoden

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IFBB Pro Dennis Wolf train chest at the LVAC, 10 days out from the 2014 Mr. Olympia. In this video, he talks about diminishing carbs & fats, the importance of the pump & more.

IFBB pro and 212 contender Hidetada Yamagishi trains Legs with the Trainer of Champions, Charles Glass just 1 week out from the 2014 Olympia Showdown.

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I think that it is good idea.... ;) Maybe you make first prediction? :D Top 10

...do we have any prizes on the table like we have used to have? ;)

OK, folks, TOP 10 please, here the complete competitor list //


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We have 1000fit pot and first will get 500 second 300 and third 200 fit. Here is no lot of time to do it. So friday evening like 22.00 we have to close vote.

Ennustamine algas ja top 10 pakkumised kuni reede õhtuni on teretulnud meeste avatud kategoorias.

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1. Phil Heath

2. Kai Greene

3. Dennis Wolf

4. Dexter Jackson

5. Shawn Rhoden

6. Mamdouh Elssbiay

7. Roelly Winklaar

8. Branch Warren

9. Victor Martinez

10. Steve Kuclo

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1. Kai Greene

2. Dennis Wolf

3. Phil Heath

4. Mahmoud Elssbiay

5. Shawn Rhoden

6. Dexter Jackson

7. Roelly Winklaar

8. Victor Martinez

9. Fahim Ibrahim

10. William Bonac

Keep them coming! :)

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Võimalus et top10 ennustamisel tehakse kellgiga samasugune ennustu ja nad peaks top3 saama siis läheb see summa omakorda jagamisele või saavad mõlemad väljateenitud summa ?

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1. Kai Greene

2. Phil Heath

3. Dennis Wolf

4. Mahmoud Elssbiay

5. Shawn Rhoden

6. Dexter Jackson

7. Roelly Winklaar

8. Branch Warren

9. Victor Martinez

10.William Bonac

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1. Kai Greene

2. Phil Heath

3. Dennis Wolf

4. Mahmoud Elssbiay

5. Dexter Jackson

6. Shawn Rhoden

7. Victor Martinez

8. Roelly Winklaar

9. William Bonac

10. Fahim Ibrahim

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