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THE Olympia Weekend 2014 - 1. Phil Heath 2. Kai Greene 3. Shawn Rhoden

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Вчера завершился, пожалуй самый массовый по количеству участников, PRO турнир - 2014 IFBB Wings of Strength Tampa Pro. И... по результатам этого шоу, уже сегодня, можно на официальной странице Mr. Olympia в facebook можно получить информацию, о том, что Ольга Белякова (Women's Physique Showdown) и Людмила Сомкина (Fitness Olympia) по бальной системе получили право выступать на Юбилейной ОЛИМПИИ в Лас-Вегасе в сентябре этого года.

These are your final qualified competitors for the 2014 Fitness Olympia. Fitness Olympia:

  • Adela Garcia
  • Oksana Grishina
  • Tanji Johnson
  • Myriam Capes
  • Bethany Cisternino
  • Marta Aquiar
  • Fiona Harris
  • Regiane Da Silva
  • Danielle Ruban
  • Whitney Jones
  • Trish Warren
  • Amanda Hatfield
  • Somkina Liudmila


After a year of fierce battles on stage, these are your final qualified competitors for the 2014 Women's Physique Showdown!

  • Dana Linn Bailey
  • Tycie Coppett
  • Sara Hurrle
  • Toni West
  • Patricia Melo
  • Sabrina Taylor
  • Jennifer Robinson
  • Frances Mendez
  • Nathalie Falk
  • Juliana Malacarne
  • Samantha Hill
  • Mindi O'Brien
  • Tamee Marie
  • Leila Thompson
  • La'Drissa Bonivel
  • Karin Hobbs
  • Heather Grace
  • Rachel Baker
  • Karina Nascimento
  • Olga Beliakova
  • Roxie Beckles
  • Jacklyn Sutton Abrams
  • Sandra Lombardo
  • Jillian Reville


Итого... ТРИ спортсменки из России!!! У них, безусловно, разные цели... Однако... Мы будем болеть их - ОДНОЗНАЧНО!


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Прошел целый год "ожесточенных боев на подиуме"... И вот организаторы торжественно объявляют

окончательные списки тех, кто получил право выступать 2014 Mr.Olympia.

2014 Mr. Olympia Qualified:

  1. Phil Heath
  2. Kai Greene
  3. Dennis Wolf
  4. Shawn Rhoden
  5. Dexter Jackson
  6. Ibrahim Fahim
  7. Justin Compton
  8. Steve Kuclo
  9. Branch Warren
  10. Mamdouh Elssbiay
  11. Juan Morel
  12. Roelly winklaar
  13. William Bonac
  14. Victor Martinez
  15. Jonathan Delarosa
  16. Evan Centopani
  17. Lionel Beyeke
  18. Cedric McMillan
  19. Johnnie Jackson
  20. Jojo Ntiforo
  21. Essa Obaid
  22. Fred Smalls

В списке 22 атлета. Я уверен, что часть из тех у кого есть право откажется, это общепринятая практика. Будем ждать дальнейшей информации от организаторов и от потенциальных участников.


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Who is in, who still has chance to qualify?



The 2014 Olympia is quickly approaching and we’re beginning to see who will qualify for the big show in Las Vegas. Over the weekend, most of the fields were set. The Bikini, Men’s Physique and Figure still have a handful of shows remaining on the schedule to qualify but for the most part we know who will be qualified for the Olympia.

Keep in mind these lists are for those who qualified, it doesn’t mean they will actually compete. We know Erin Stern, Mallory Haldeman and Heather Dees are are officially out of the Figure lineup. A couple of top competitors in other divisions will not be competing but have asked not to be mentioned just yet as they haven’t made things “official”. Stay tuned on that front as it will definitely get people talking when their absence is announced.

Fitness Olympia
Adela Garcia
Oksana Grishina
Tanji Johnson
Myriam Capes
Bethany Cisternino
Marta Aquiar
Fiona Harris

Via the Olympia Point Series:
Regiane Da Silva
Danielle Ruban
Whitney Jones
Trish Warren
Amanda Hatfield
Somkina Liudmila

Ms. Olympia
Iris Kyle
Alina Popa
Debi Laszewski
Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia
Brigita Brezovac
Simone Oliveira
Anne Freitas
Rita Bello
Sheila Bleck

Via the Olympia Point Series:
Margie Martin
Christine Envall
Alana Shipp
Lisa Giesbrecht
Jennifer Sedia

Women’s Physique Showdown
Dana Linn Bailey
Tycie Coppett
Sara Hurrle
Toni West
Patricia Melo
Sabrina Taylor
Jennifer Robinson
Frances Mendez
Nathalie Falk
Juliana Malacarne
Samantha Hill
Mindi O’Brien
Tamee Marie
Leila Thompson
La’Drissa Bonivel
Karin Hobbs
Heather Grace

Via the Olympia Point Series:
Rachel Baker
Karina Nascimento
Olga Beliakova
Roxie Beckles
Jacklyn Sutton Abrams
Sandra Lombardo
Jillian Reville

Mr. Olympia
Phil Heath
Kai Greene
Dennis Wolf
Shawn Rhoden
Dexter Jackson
Ibrahim Fahim
Justin Compton
Steve Kuclo
Branch Warren
Mamdouh Elssbiay
Juan Morel
Roelly winklaar
William Bonac
Victor Martinez

Via the Olympia Point Series:
Jonathan Delarosa
Evan Centopani
Lionel Beyeke
Cedric McMillan
Johnnie Jackson
Jojo Ntiforo
Essa Obaid
Fred Smalls

212 Olympia Showdown
Flex Lewis
David Henry
Kevin English
Jose Raymond
Eduardo Correa
Sami Al Haddad
Guy Cisternino
Aaron Clark
Charles Dixon
Hidetada Yamagishi

Via the Olympia Point Series:
Mark Dugdale
Raul Carrasco
Ahmad Ahmad
Baito Abbaspour
Mboya Edwards

The following divisions are not final and still have shows remaining however this is how the lineups look as of Monday August 11, 2014.

Figure Olympia Qualified
Nicole Wilkins
Erin Stern
Candice Keene
Heather Dees
Mallory Haldeman
Camala Rodriguez
Alicia Coates
Candice Lewis
Jessica Graham
Dana Ambrose
Natalia Revajova Lenartova
Ann Titone
Zsuzsanna Toldi
Gennifer Strobo
Cydney Gillon
Karina Grau
Latorya Watts

There’s just one qualifying show to go in the Figure division (Tahoe Pro). It’s safe to call Allison Frahn and Sasha Brown qualified for the Olympia. There are a number of scenarios that could change the remaining lineup after the Tahoe Pro but here’s the leading contenders with a chance to qualify via the points series. The magic number is 10 anything less than that and there’s not chance to qualify via the points system. Three women have ten points and four have mathematical chances to get in with a top finish in Tahoe.

Leading the Olympia Point Series:
Allison Frahn, 15
Sasha Brown, 12
Krista Dunn, 10
Andrea Calhoun, 10
Julie Mayer, 10

Wendy Fortino, 8
Laurie Green, 7
Monica Labriola, 6
Amanda Doherty, 6

Bikini Olympia Qualified
Ashley Kaltwasser
Yeshaira Robles
Stacey Alexander
Nathalia Melo
India Paulino
Lacey DeLuca
Vladmiria Krasova
Jennifer Andrews
Narmin Assria
Amanda Latona
Taylor Methany Bentson
Crystal Matthews
Christie Marquez
Sarah LeBlanc
Noy Alexander
Janet Layug
Sandi Forsythe
Christina Strom Fjaere
Jenee Leger
Angela Marquez
Stephanie Mahoe
Tawna Eubanks

There are two IFBB Pro Bikini shows remaining on the schedule. The Dallas Pro and the St. Louis Pro will determine who is in the Bikini Olympia lineup. In order to make the Olympia via the point system a competitor needs at least 10 points. Anything less than ten and they are on the outside looking in. It’s a safe bet to call Jessica Arevalo and Dayna Maleton in the Olympia but not it’s not set in stone. Kelsie Clark, Nicola and Michelle Lewin are likely in but not a sure thing. A number of scenarios could play out given two remaining shows. There will be a clearer scenario after the Dallas Pro. This one could come down to the wire to see who gets in.

Leading the Olympia Point Series:

Jessica Arevalo, 17
Dayna Maleton, 14
Kelsie Clark, 12
Nicola Weiterova, 11
Michelle Lewin, 10

Noemi Olah, 9
Anna Virmajoki, 7
Candice Conroy, 6
Callie Bundy, 5

Men’s Physique Olympia Showdown
Mark Anthony Wingson
Jeremy Buendia
Matthew Acton
Sadik Hadzovic
Jason Poston
Tyler Anderson
Tory Woodward
Michael Anderson
German Pacheco
Arya Saffaie
Anton Antipov

There’s just one qualifying show to go in the Men’s Physique division (Dallas Pro). It’s safe to call the top two gentleman qualified for the Olympia. There are a number of scenarios that could change the remaining lineup after this weekend.

Leading the Olympia Point Series:

Jonathan Sebastian, 15
Xavisus Gayden, 12
Felipe Franco, 8
Jeff Seid, 7
Matt Christianer, 6
Sheridan Hause, 6

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IFBB Pro Jose Raymond, aka "The Boston Mass" gets in a leg workout, 6.5 weeks out from the 2014 Olympia Showdown. In this video, Jose tells whether he's happy or not with where he's at this far out, why he still squats heavy at this point in his career & more.

Juan Morel updates 6 weeks out as well //


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Alright this is for all the Big Ramy fans out there. This will be the final pictures we post before the Olympia just to give you guys an update on his progress. 6 weeks out the big man is weighing in at 312lbs in the am after cardio on an empty stomach. His diet and his training is better than it has ever been cause being able to focus only on the show is exactly what he needed. He wants to thank all his fans, followers and friends for the awesome support, we won't let you down and that's a promise.


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MP competitor Anton Antipov 5 weeks before the show //


Another MP Olympian Sadik Hadzovic visits Heavy Muscle TV and talks, besides his victory at the Tampa show, also about the upcoming Olympia battle ...

Swedish -212 athlete Ahmad Ahmad qualified to the 212 showdown via point system, here recent of him;



Jon Delarosa and Juan "Diesel" Morel train shoulders 6.5 weeks out from the Olympia. These guys still train pretty heavy going up to 4 plates on shoulder presses and 150lb dumbbell shoulder presses. Also, they explain why they sometimes do partial reps on certain exercises. Juan also discusses his prep for his first Olympia.

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Dexter Jackson trains quads with Charles Glass at the MECCA, Golds Gym Venice six weeks out from of the 2014 Mr Olympia in Las Vegas, NV.

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Vaatan neid Dexteri kükke ja presse ja tundub, et amplituud ei oma treeningu effektiivsuse kohapealt mingit tähtsust.... :lol: . Ei ole ta kõige jämedama jalagamees laval ,kuid terav on alati. Ehk kui teeks sügavamle oleks jalad ka jämedamad - mine võta kinni.... :D

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Charles Dixon, 4 weeks to go to 212 showdown, currently sitting at 223lbs...


Guy Gisternino guest posing one week ago //

And after yday's St Louis pro bikini show also the list of qualified athletes for the Bikini O is now complete.

The final Olympia qualifying pro show took place today and has set the field for the Bikini Olympia. The top five at the Olympia are automatically qualified for the following year’s competition. The winners of each pro show qualify with the victory. The competitors who place second through fifth earn points throughout the year and the top five highest point totals are qualified to compete in the Olympia. If there is a tie, there is currently no tie-breaker, all go to the big show. In the Bikini division six women will go to the Olympia via the Point Series due to a tie.

Keep in mind this is the list of women who have qualified, it isn’t a final list of who will compete. There will be a competitor or two who will not compete despite being qualified. Check back for the final list.

Ashley Kaltwasser
Yeshaira Robles
Stacey Alexander
Nathalia Melo
India Paulino
Lacey DeLuca
Vladmiria Krasova
Jennifer Andrews
Narmin Assria
Amanda Latona
Taylor Methany Bentson
Crystal Matthews
Christie Marquez
Sarah LeBlanc
Noy Alexander
Janet Layug
Sandi Forsythe
Christina Strom Fjaere
Jenee Leger
Angela Marquez
Stephanie Mahoe
Tawna Eubanks
Brittany Taylor

Jessica Arevalo – 17
Dayna Maleton – 14
Candice Conroy – 13
Kelsie Clark -12
Nicola Weiterova – 11
Noemi Olah -11


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Ei tea mis valemiga, see Flex Lewis sinna -96 kilo sisse mahub... :D

Põnevam oleks teada, kui palju ta laval kaalub? :)

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Dexter Jackson trains back with Charles Glass at the MECCA, Golds Gym Venice 4.5 weeks out from of the 2014 Mr Olympia in Las Vegas, NV.

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