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Mida vähem aromataasi, seda rohkem testosterooni ning väiksema östrogeeni taseme tõttu ka väiksem SHBG tase, mille tõttu testosterooni tase tõuseb veelgi!

"Extracts of certain mushrooms have been shown to inhibit aromatase when evaluated by enzyme assays, the white mushroom has shown the greatest ability to inhibit the enzyme." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aromatase_inhibitors


"A clinical trial is scheduled to take place at the City of Hope National Medical Center due to earlier research indicating that the common mushroom can inhibit aromatase, and therefore may be able to lower estrogen levels in the human body[12], which might reduce breast cancer susceptibility.[11] [19] In 2009, a case control study of over 2000 women, correlated a large decrease of breast cancer incidence in women who consumed mushrooms. Women in the study who consumed fresh mushrooms daily, were 64% less likely to develop breast cancer, while those that combined a mushroom diet with regular green tea consumption, reduced their risk of breast cancer by nearly 90%.[20]"

Nüüd siis Nolvadexi asemel metsa seenele XD.

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Olen neid wikisid lugenud ise kunagi. Küsimus tekkis nende puhul selelga, et kas eesti metsas või turul selliseid seeni on, mida seal nimetatakse.

( See "White mushroom" on eesti keeles shampinjon? )

Muudetud kasutaja CharlesRoos poolt

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Mida vähem aromataasi, seda rohkem testosterooni ning väiksema östrogeeni taseme tõttu ka väiksem SHBG tase, mille tõttu testosterooni tase tõuseb veelgi!

"Extracts of certain mushrooms have been shown to inhibit aromatase when evaluated by enzyme assays, the white mushroom has shown the greatest ability to inhibit the enzyme." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aromatase_inhibitors


"A clinical trial is scheduled to take place at the City of Hope National Medical Center due to earlier research indicating that the common mushroom can inhibit aromatase, and therefore may be able to lower estrogen levels in the human body[12], which might reduce breast cancer susceptibility.[11] [19] In 2009, a case control study of over 2000 women, correlated a large decrease of breast cancer incidence in women who consumed mushrooms. Women in the study who consumed fresh mushrooms daily, were 64% less likely to develop breast cancer, while those that combined a mushroom diet with regular green tea consumption, reduced their risk of breast cancer by nearly 90%.[20]"

Nüüd siis Nolvadexi asemel metsa seenele XD.

Arvad et kasvab Eestis ? :D

Aga Nolva pole just päris aromataasi inhibiitor.

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Arvad et kasvab Eestis ? :D

Mulle tundub nüüd, et kasvab küll ka eestis. Tegu on tavalise shampinjoniga selle "White mushroomi" näol. Seal wiki lehel on vasakul menüüs "Languages" all vene keele link, mis tõlgib artikli lahti kui "shampinjoni":

Шампиньо́н двуспо́ровый (лат. Agaricus bisporus) — вид грибов рода шампиньонов.

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Teemasse ka:

"Research at the City of Hope Medical Center showed that two phytochemicals found in white button mushrooms had the ability to suppress two enzymes – steroid 5alpha-reductase and aromatase - which have been implicated in the incidence of prostate cancer." http://www.mushroom-uk.com/health_professionals/report.html

...vähendab siis ka kiilanemist põhjustava, kuid ka tugevaima androgeeni taset kahjuks/õnneks. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Steroidogenesis.svg (5alpha-reductase)

Eks neid seeni ole teisigi, mis selliste omadustega on. White mushroom on lihtsalt kõige parem.

Äkki keegi leiab googlest mõne Eestis kasvava tugevamatoimelise seene vms :D

Arvan, et igasugused puravikud, tatikad, riisikad ja murumunad kõlbavad ka. Kahju ikka ei tee, kui just liiga seleenirikkast või saastunud keskkonnast ei korja.

Alan´BStardile tooks siis näiteks Arimidexi ja Tamoxifeni.

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