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big poppa pump

Toores muna!

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174 liiget on hääletanud

  1. 1. Kas oled kunagi suure hurraaga (või lihtsalt niisama) joonud tooreid mune?

    • Jah
    • Ei
    • Ei, sest kardan salmonelloosi
    • Ei, sest mulle ei meeldi/eelistan teisi muna tarbimisviise

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Another reason to avoid consuming raw eggs is that raw egg whites contain a glycoprotein called avidin, which binds to eggs' supply of the B vitamin biotin very tightly, preventing its absorption. Cooking the egg whites changes avidin, making it susceptible to digestion and unable to interfere with the intestinal absorption of biotin.

sellele ma ka viitasin...

Revised Recommendations For Raw Egg Whites

Earlier this summer, I posted an article that suggested that one should not eat raw egg whites. This is the traditional nutritional dogma as raw egg whites contain a glycoprotein called avidin that is very effective at binding biotin, one of the B vitamins. The concern is that this can lead to a biotin deficiency. The simple solution is to cook the egg whites as this completely deactivates the avidin.

The problem is that it also completely deactivates nearly every other protein in the egg white. While you will still obtain nutritional benefits from consuming cooked egg whites, from a nutritional perspective it would seem far better to consume them uncooked.

Since making the recommendation in July, I have more carefully studied this issue. Two groups brought me to back this: pet owners who feed their pets raw foods and Aajonus Vonderplanitz, who wrote the raw food book We Want to Live. Both feel quite strongly that raw eggs are just fine to eat.

Muudetud kasutaja Aile poolt

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Üks muna süüa ja biotiini norm käes ?

Jah. Muna on v2ga toitaineterohke. Mina yle kahe ei s88 tavaliselt.

Kui sa tarbid seda toorelt, siis osa biotiinist seotakse yhe glykoproteiidi poolt (avidiin...).

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Food Serving Biotin (mcg)

Liver, cooked 3 ounces* 27...

The U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for biotin is 300 micrograms daily. This is the dose used in many dietary supplements. Toxicity with biotin intake has not been reported in the available literature, and doses as high as 200 milligrams daily have been used in patients with inborn errors of metabolism without significant reported toxicity.

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The U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for biotin is 300 micrograms daily. This is the dose used in many dietary supplements. Toxicity with biotin intake has not been reported in the available literature, and doses as high as 200 milligrams daily have been used in patients with inborn errors of metabolism without significant reported toxicity.

Kui syveneda numbritesse, siis tundub see olevat natuke utoopiline. Mingi B kompleks...US oma on mul k2eulatuses ja sealt v6ib t6esti sellise numbrit leida. Farmaatsiat88stuse vanden6u?

Ys nii palju mune, kui syda lustib :D

Muudetud kasutaja Aile poolt

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Et siis igaljuhul muna küpsetada ?

Mina olen ehitanud kiriku keset küla - keedan mune 2-3 min, siis on munarebu veel vedel. :D

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5 aastasena oleks ma salmonelloosi kätte ära peaaegu surnud ..

Aga see oli kodukana munadest , mitte poe omadest .

Viibisin pool suve Tartu haiglas , alguses vaakusin elu ja surma vahel , hiljem läks paremaks .

Eks see vastavalt eale kah muutub , aga poemunadelt salmonelloos saada on tõenäosus väga väike :D

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"The problem is that it also completely deactivates nearly every other protein in the egg white. While you will still obtain nutritional benefits from consuming cooked egg whites, from a nutritional perspective it would seem far better to consume them uncooked."

dogmatism and at its best:D

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"The problem is that it also completely deactivates nearly every other protein in the egg white. While you will still obtain nutritional benefits from consuming cooked egg whites, from a nutritional perspective it would seem far better to consume them uncooked."

dogmatism and at its best:D

Ei...Lihtsalt on kirjutatud "k6igile s88davas" stiilis.

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Olen joonud,tänu kasutaja Bib poppa pump soovitusel.Mu jaoks ei olnud midagi hullu,tegin munakollasse kahvliga katki ja jõin ära.Panin klaasi sisse 3 toorest muna,nüüd ei ole taas pikka aega joonud,ei näe tegelt eriti ssel mingit mõtet aga no vahetevahel ikka kui tuju tuleb jms .

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Olen joonud,tänu kasutaja Bib poppa pump soovitusel.Mu jaoks ei olnud midagi hullu,tegin munakollasse kahvliga katki ja jõin ära.Panin klaasi sisse 3 toorest muna,nüüd ei ole taas pikka aega joonud,ei näe tegelt eriti ssel mingit mõtet aga no vahetevahel ikka kui tuju tuleb jms .

Põhjuseid oleks palju: kiire, lihtne viis seda suurepärast valguallikat tarbida.

Kui aga on aega, siis eelistan minagi mõnd küpsetusmeetodit. Tavaline keedumuna ka meelt mööda.

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Homme hommikul teeb siis selle triki ära.

Homme lisan, kuidas tunne oli. Muidu olen ämblikke jms satikaid söönud, nendega pole probleemi olnud.


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Salmonelloos peaks olema väljaspool muna, ehk siis koore peal.

Nii, et kui muna ilusti seest kätte saada, ei tohiks salmonellaga probleeme tulla. :rolleyes:

Salmonella on see kõige väiksem probleem

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võta seda kui vedelat pelmeeni ja pole mingit probleemi :o

Neela nagu austreid :(

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kurat kes seda muna veel keeta ja praadida viitsib - ema hommikuti :o , aga enne trenni võtan 3 toorest, salmonelloos on suht naeroväärne, peaasi et mingeid soolebaktereid, maksalutikaid,linnugrippi ei saa :(

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Kunagi noorena sai väga-väga palju tehtud koogel-moogelit ja seda alla libistatud, lihtsalt nii hea on, peaks mingi päev uuesti tegema :o

Aga toorest muna olen proovind ikka jah, kuid peale seda ei ole joonud, kuna maitsepoolest ei ole eriti hea. Salmonelloosi ei karda, kuna olen lugenud sarnast infot selle kohta, mida Jackie siia kleepis. Ja pealegi, siiamaani pole ära surnud, kuigi olen muna toorelt suhteliselt palju tarvitanud koogel-moogelina ning ka mõne üksiku toore munana.

Küll aga keedan või praen muna, mis jääb väheke tooreks. Kõva muna ei taha iial.

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