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How to make women bodyfitness more attractive?

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by Andrew Michalak


Women Bodyfitness was officially recognized by the IFBB in 2002 at the Congress in Cairo, Egypt. This was a perfect decision, attracted hundreds of new competitors to the physique sports, who probably would never appear on a bodybuilding stage. The current bodyfitness rules are simple and clear: judges assess the overall athletic development of the musculature; the presentation of a balanced, symmetrically developed physique; the condition of the skin and the skin tone; and the athlete’s ability to present herself with confidence, poise and grace.

But all these values are assessed during four quarter turns only, performed in groups of 5 athletes. There is no possibility for personal presentation on the stage or for doing any additional moves or routines. These conditions are simple, maybe even too simple, as both athletes and officials would like to add something to make this sport more attractive and interesting for the viewers and media.

Many different proposals have been discussed at various IFBB meetings: from routines to some extra moves or walks. Routines have already been rejected, as it would change bodyfitness into the next version of fitness or bodybuilding, depending on the style of the routine (with or without poses). So, now IFBB is focused on some type of extra moves or walking on the stage, combined with moves (or poses).

IFBB Women’s Committee Chairperson, Mrs. Wanda Tierney, proposed so called “T-walk”: each athlete will enter the stage individually and walk to the center and then to both sides, having extra time to show her silhouette in move, displaying her ability to present herself with confidence, poise and grace. EBFF Congress in Playa d’Aro decided to check this version in practice, at one of the autumn contests.

In the meantime, we would like to show you the test done by the Asian Federation, which included some extra poses performed individually by the bodyfitness athletes.


Bodyfitness poses (test): nice presentations of legs, waist and lats.


Bodyfitness poses (test): more “dramatic” presentation of the overall proportions, with hidden face.


Bodyfitness poses (test): more simple presentation of legs and arms.


Bodyfitness poses (test): side presentation of the body.

newsletter IFBB

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Miks? See loeb ju alati. Kohtunik alustab hindamist enamasti juba kaalumisel, mil grimm puudub...

Sest see on asi, mis on omane missivõistlusele, mitte spordile:) Sama asi, mis puudutab hambaid, tätoveeringuid ja kõike seda.

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Just, ja igasugused kunstküüned ja räiged meigid ja kilinad-kolinad ja kunstrinnad jne võiks kah olemata olla. Puhast ilu peaks näitama, mitte aga mingit meigipaletti vms.

sellega olen sinuga100% n?us

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Just, ja igasugused kunstküüned ja räiged meigid ja kilinad-kolinad ja kunstrinnad jne võiks kah olemata olla. Puhast ilu peaks näitama, mitte aga mingit meigipaletti vms.

Minu arust võiks naised nii mõelda ka igapäeva elus, kui on ilu siis on, kui ei ole, siis ega see krohv ja muu fake stuff mida peale või sisse pannakse ei aita midagi :rolleyes:

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sellega olen sinuga100% n?us

Ja ei maksa unustada, et kui puhast ilu näidatakse, siis on tegemist iludusvõistlusega, mitte spordiga :rolleyes:

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Usually, students don’t have time for intensive competitive training but bodyfitness seems to be a good choice for them. Healthy diet is helpful in learning, a bit of strength and endurance is not bad in everyday life and you can also show the shape of your body and the glamour of your beauty.

Belarus Federation official, Anastasiya, treats this show as “Just one more way to attract the connoisseurs of beauty and youth. It’s called “Zhemchuzhina” (“The Pearl”). And it’s a real celebration of girls’ charm: bodyfitness event among University students, organized by National Champion of Belarus Natalia Antsiparovich (placed 5th at the recent European Championships in Macedonia). It took place on May 16th in Minsk’s Palace of Trade Unions. Besides usual contests procedure the public was amused by a unique show: athletes’ parade in evening dress with fairytale characters and angels.”


Presentations of girls in evening gowns.


Award ceremony with “Angels”.


More turns in the evening dress


Participants in the swimsuit round.


The spectacular artistic performance.

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Ja ei maksa unustada, et kui puhast ilu näidatakse, siis on tegemist iludusvõistlusega, mitte spordiga :rolleyes:

silikoon ei ole ilu...(v2hemalt minu arust ei ole)

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Just, ja igasugused kunstküüned ja räiged meigid ja kilinad-kolinad ja kunstrinnad jne võiks kah olemata olla. Puhast ilu peaks näitama, mitte aga mingit meigipaletti vms.

Ega kaalumisele ei lähegi keegi "räige meik näos ja kilinad-kolinad". Neid kolinaid ei tohi ühes voorus bodyfitnessis üldse ollagi, teiste puhul nt kaelakee ka pajudel juhtudel lihtsalt segab hindamist.

Rääkimata tätokatest, mis enamustel juhtudel toovad lihtsalt miinuspunkte kaasa, kuna segavad.

Kuna dieediga kaotab enamus naisi rinnad, siis et hea laval välja näha, ongi paljud tegijamad läinud opi teed. St et mitte kaotada proportsioone. Tavaline on ka nt hammaste valgendamine jms- paljud teevad lisaks võistlemisele ka sportmodelli tööd, seega peab ka ilma grimmita super välja nägema. Kuna need igasugused opid ei ole enam üldsegi kallid, siis ka why not? Peaasi et proportsioon ei kannata ja miski ei segaks üldist pilti.

Pikki küüsi, kas siis enda omi või tippe kasutavad enamus- muudavad eriti just bodyfitnessi jaoks käed ilusaks ja sõrmed pikemaks.

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Sport ta on aga nad teevad oma spordipoole juba ennem jõukas ära. See ei tähenda, et ta laval kangi ei tõsta, ei saa seda spordiks nimetada.

Just. Kui poleks sport, siis võiks iga kondine kraakjalg tänavalt ju bodyfitnessist olla :rolleyes: a´la et paned kontsa alla, säravad kodinad ümber ja valmis. Ja kes vähegi on poseerinud ja seda õigesti teha oskab, see teab, kui suurt pingutust see nõuab- järgmisel päevalgi veel on lihased valusad!

Et laval särada, see nõuab suurt pingutust, raskeid trenne ja ka valu, vaat et suurematki kui meeskulturisti puhul- naised teadagi kasvavad halvemini, kui nii võib öelda...

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