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Meil on inime,kes on valmis ise-endal eksperimenteerima ja tõestama,et kõik ülejäänud on lollid.

Kui sa enda peal midagi uut proovida ei julge ja usud pimesi, et Otti, Imre, Mareki või kellegi teise treeningmeetodid töötavad ka sinu peal 100% siis oled sa tõesti loll.

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Kui sa enda peal midagi uut proovida ei julge ja usud pimesi, et Otti, Imre, Mareki või kellegi teise treeningmeetodid töötavad ka sinu peal 100% siis oled sa tõesti loll.

Kuule kus sa siin neid Otti, Mareki jne. kummardajaid näed ???

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Kui sa enda peal midagi uut proovida ei julge ja usud pimesi, et Otti, Imre, Mareki või kellegi teise treeningmeetodid töötavad ka sinu peal 100% siis oled sa tõesti loll.

Ahsoo.Sain ma õigesti aru - et siis veebitreenerite treeningmeetodite alusel koostatud treening- ja toitumiskavade tellijad on tõesti lollid, ;)

Tore,et sa oma arvamuse nii ilusti sõnastasid.

Vata,mina ei ole seda mitte teinud ...

seega ma ei tea mitte,milliseid treeningmeetodeid ülalnimetatud spetsialistid kasutavad ja ei oska mitte öelda,kas nad töötavad minu peal 100% või 86,3% või 0,0001% ...

nii et mis järelduse me siis nüüd teeme, :D

btw,kindlasti on sul mingi valem,mis tolle sinu poolt mainitud töötamise protsendi välja arvutab,äkki avaldad?

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No? Näed ju isegi, et Sinu toodud näites jääb vadak sojale alla.

Aga huvitavam on juba võrrelda Fasti tooteid:



Need võiks keegi võrdluseks tabelisse ajada. Nagu näed, siis seal on juba vadaku kasuks:

Tsüsteiin, Arginiin, jt.

Et siis oleneb tootjast, tootest.

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Ahsoo.Sain ma õigesti aru - et siis veebitreenerite treeningmeetodite alusel koostatud treening- ja toitumiskavade tellijad on tõesti lollid, ;)

Tore,et sa oma arvamuse nii ilusti sõnastasid.

Vata,mina ei ole seda mitte teinud ...

seega ma ei tea mitte,milliseid treeningmeetodeid ülalnimetatud spetsialistid kasutavad ja ei oska mitte öelda,kas nad töötavad minu peal 100% või 86,3% või 0,0001% ...

nii et mis järelduse me siis nüüd teeme, :D

btw,kindlasti on sul mingi valem,mis tolle sinu poolt mainitud töötamise protsendi välja arvutab,äkki avaldad?

Siis said valesti aru. Ma ei räägi treeningkavadest, vaid treeningmeetoditest (seeriad, kordused, kombinatsioonid, kavade eripärad, sama toitumine jne). Oma eelnevas jutus sa siin iroonitsesid, et yx "lollike" julgeb nyyd ise midagi katsetada ja pla pla pla kolme aasta pärast on uus tipptegija vms. Tegid konkreetselt maha, et keegi julgeb siin levinud õpetustest teistmoodi katsetada. Enamvähem nagu islamiusuline USA-s. Kui midagi teistmoodi mõtled, siis oled süüdi kohe.

Iga inimene on erinev ja just sellepärast tulebki katsetada erinevaid meetodeid. Samamoodi on võib igaüks proovida erinevaid valkusid. Kui mõnele mõjub soja paremini kui vadak, siis las tal mõjub. Kulturist sööks s...a kah, kui see lihast kasvataks.

Muudetud kasutaja Tsaar poolt

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Kuule kus sa siin neid Otti, Mareki jne. kummardajaid näed ???

Need lihtsalt nimed. Samahästi oleks võinud öelda juku ja miku. Sisu on selles, et kui mingi meetod töötab yhe peal hästi, siis mõnel teisel annab hoopis teistsugune lähenemine häid tulemusi. Sellepärast tulebki eksperimenteerida, et leida enda jaoks kõige paremini töötav meetod.

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Põhjus miks sojavalgus tundub olevat rohkem aminohappeid on tingitud sellest, et sojavalk on isolaat, st. kõrgema valgusisaldusega, vadak on kontsentraat, madalama valgusisaldusega.See ei tähenda, et sojavalk oleks parem, kuna temas on rohkem aminohappeid.Võrrelda kontsentraati ja isolaati on sama nagu võrrelda täismahla ja nektarit.Võrrelda tuleb sojaisolaati ja vadakuisolaati.Kvaliteetses vadakuisolaadis on samamoodi 80-90% valku ning vastavalt on ka aminohapete kogused võrreldavad.Ning sellisel juhul on vadaku aminohappeline profiil lihaskasvuks parem.

Sojas olevatest fütoöstrogeenidest ja aromaatsetest ühenditest ja nende kahjulikkusest on juba küllalt räägitud, siin ma rohkem ei peatuks, aga ma lisan veel, et sojaoa põllud on ühed kõige rohkem väetiste ja pestitsiididega mürgitatud põllud üldse.

Muudetud kasutaja maximus89 poolt

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Siis said valesti aru. Ma ei räägi treeningkavadest, vaid treeningmeetoditest (seeriad, kordused, kombinatsioonid, kavade eripärad, sama toitumine jne). Oma eelnevas jutus sa siin iroonitsesid, et yx "lollike" julgeb nyyd ise midagi katsetada ja pla pla pla kolme aasta pärast on uus tipptegija vms. Tegid konkreetselt maha, et keegi julgeb siin levinud õpetustest teistmoodi katsetada. Enamvähem nagu islamiusuline USA-s. Kui midagi teistmoodi mõtled, siis oled süüdi kohe.

Iga inimene on erinev ja just sellepärast tulebki katsetada erinevaid meetodeid. Samamoodi on võib igaüks proovida erinevaid valkusid. Kui mõnele mõjub soja paremini kui vadak, siis las tal mõjub. Kulturist sööks s...a kah, kui see lihast kasvataks.

Peand kinni ...

sa oled millestki väga valesti aru saanud.Ma püüdsin teema-algatajale mõista anda,et enne millegi propageerimist tuleks siiski enne kindlaks teha

1.kas asjast on kasu

2.kas asi on (piisavalt) ohutu

ehk siis,mida keegi endale sisse sööb,on ta isiklik asi.Kui aga keegi seda propageerima asub,siis on jutt hoopis teine;siis peaks propageerija oma sõnade eest ka vastutama.Sina ehk suudad ise otsustada,mis sulle hea,mis mitte,aga voorum on täis algajaid noori kutte,kes seda mitte ei suuda.

Kas teema-algataja oma revolutsioonilise avastusega vastutab oma sõnade eest?

Mina pakkusin teema-algatajale võimaluse tõestada reaalis propageeritiva paremust.

Iroonia oli olemas jah,anlt mitte seal,kus sina osutasid.

Sojavalgu kohta olen lugenud igasugu seisukohti - seinast seinani.Minul puudub kompetents otsustada,milline seisukoht on õige.

Kas sina oskad seda öelda?

btw,kuna minu organism keeldub kategooriliselt vadakuvalku vastu võtmast,siis isiklikult oleksin sojavalgust huvitatud küll ..., :D

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Kui sa enda peal midagi uut proovida ei julge ja usud pimesi, et Otti, Imre, Mareki või kellegi teise treeningmeetodid töötavad ka sinu peal 100% siis oled sa tõesti loll.

Kas sa neljanda korruse aknast oled välja hüpanud? Usud teiste kogemust, et pole hea mõte? LOLL!

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Ma tean inimest, kes tõstis sojavalguga kehakaalu 20kg esimeste aastatega! Kui Sa ei usu, siis see on Sinu probleem.

Viita mulle palun, kus ma ütlesin, et söömisega ei saa kehakaalu kavatatada.

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Kas sa neljanda korruse aknast oled välja hüpanud? Usud teiste kogemust, et pole hea mõte? LOLL!

no ära siis ise jõusaalis midagi katseta, tee kõik naabriantsu järgi. :D

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no ära siis ise jõusaalis midagi katseta, tee kõik naabriantsu järgi. :D

Kui me nüüd kahest äärmustest räägime:

A Ma ei kasuta mitte ühtegi teiste kogemust ja katsetan kõike ise


B Ma ei katseta midagi uut ja kasutan nende kogemusi, kes on olnud edukad

siis võid täiesti kindel olla, et viimane variant viib su kaugemale.

Terve mõistusega inimene loomulikult mingil määral ikkagi katsetab ka, aga tema katsetamistel on mingi kainel mõistusel baseeruv põhjus. Ilma põhjuseta jalgratta leiutamine on lollus. Miks peaks näiteks katsetama aastaid sojavalguga, kui ei ole põhjust arvata, et sojavalk on efektiivsem musklikasvataja kui vadak ja kui tema pikaajaline kasutamine uuringute/loogiliste prognooside järgi ei mõju inimese tervisele kõige paremini? Viimane oli lihtsalt näide.

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Seda teemat on varem ka lahatud, kuid mitte kunagi eraldi teemas. Kogusin veidi informatsiooni ja otsustasin seda levitada. Vabandan, et tekst on inglise keelne. Olulisemad sõnad olen ära tõlkinud.

Myth: Asians consume large amounts of soy foods.

Truth: Average consumption of soy foods in Japan and China is 10 grams (about 2 teaspoons) per day. Asians consume soy foods in small amounts as a condiment (maitseainena), and not as a replacement for animal foods.

Myth: Modern soy foods confer the same health benefits as traditionally fermented soy foods.

Truth: Most modern soy foods are not fermented (kääritatud) to neutralize toxins in soybeans, and are processed in a way that denatures (muudab loomulikke omadusi) proteins and increases levels of carcinogens (kantserogeenid).

Myth: Soy foods provide complete protein.

Truth: Like all legumes (kaunviljad), soy beans are deficient in sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cystine. In addition, modern processing denatures fragile lysine.

Myth: Fermented soy foods can provide vitamin B12 in vegetarian diets.

Truth: The compound that resembles vitamin B12 in soy cannot be used by the human body; in fact, soy foods cause the body to require more B12

Myth: Soy formula is safe for infants.

Truth: Soy foods contain trypsin inhibitors that inhibit (keelab) protein digestion and affect pancreatic function. In test animals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors led to stunted (piiratud) growth and pancreatic disorders. Soy foods increase the body’s requirement for vitamin D, needed for strong bones and normal growth. Phytic acid in soy foods results in reduced bioavailabilty of iron and zinc which are required for the health and development of the brain and nervous system. Soy also lacks cholesterol, likewise essential for the development of the brain and nervous system. Megadoses of phytoestrogens in soy formula have been implicated in the current trend toward increasingly premature sexual development in girls and delayed or retarded sexual development in boys.

Myth: Soy foods can prevent osteoporosis (luude hõrenemist).

Truth: Soy foods can cause deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D, both needed for healthy bones. Calcium from bone broths (puljong) and vitamin D from seafood, lard (rasv) and organ meats prevent osteoporosis in Asian countries—not soy foods.

Myth: Modern soy foods protect against many types of cancer.

Truth: A British government report concluded that there is little evidence that soy foods protect against breast cancer or any other forms of cancer. In fact, soy foods may result in an increased risk of cancer.

Myth: Soy foods protect against heart disease.

Truth: In some people, consumption of soy foods will lower cholesterol, but there is no evidence that lowering cholesterol improves one’s risk of having heart disease.

Myth: Soy estrogens (isoflavones) are good for you.

Truth: Soy isoflavones are phyto-endocrine disrupters. At dietary levels, they can prevent ovulation and stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Eating as little as 30 grams (about 4 tablespoons) of soy per day can result in hypothyroidism (peaks olema kilpnäärme alatalitus) with symptoms of lethargy (loidus), constipation (kõhukinnisus), weight gain and fatigue (väsimus).

Myth: Soy foods are safe and beneficial for women to use in their postmenopausal years.

Truth: Soy foods can stimulate the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors and cause thyroid problems. Low thyroid function is associated with difficulties in menopause.

Myth: Soy isoflavones and soy protein isolate have GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status.

Truth: Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) recently withdrew its application to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for GRAS status for soy isoflavones following an outpouring of protest from the scientific community. The FDA never approved GRAS status for soy protein isolate because of concern regarding the presence of toxins and carcinogens in processed soy.

Myth: Soy foods are good for your sex life.

Truth: Numerous animal studies show that soy foods cause infertility (viljatus) in animals. Soy consumption enhances hair growth in middle-aged men, indicating lowered testosterone levels. Japanese housewives feed tofu to their husbands frequently when they want to reduce his virility.

Myth: Soy beans are good for the environment

Truth: Most soy beans grown in the US are genetically engineered to allow farmers to use large amounts of herbicides (taimemürk).

Allikas: http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz/03soymyths.htm

Fred Antson sojavalgust:

On väga palju teaduslikku tõendusmaterjali,et sojavalgu pidev tarbimine viib häireteni meeste ja laste endokriinnäärmete talitluses - testosterooni produktsioon saab häiritud.Ka naiste puhul on soja kasulikkus pandud viimasel ajal kahtluse alla.Põhjused,miks sojavalku ja sojaõli igale poole lisatakse,on puhtalt ärilised - majanduslikud:sojauba on tulus kasvatada,sest ta järele on tekitatud vajadus,haipides tohutult tema küsitavaid positiivseid omadusi (kolestroolivaba,rasvavaba) ja vaikides maha kahjulikud mõjud.Pealegi on enamus maailmas toodetud sojast geneetiliselt muundatud.

Puberteediealised poisid ja mehed - kui te harva mõnda sojatoodet tarbite,siis ei juhtu veel midagi,kuid parem on temast siiski eemale hoida,rääkimata regulaarsest tarbimisest.Ja lapsevanemad peaksid hoolega vaatama,et imikute toitesegud ei sisaldaks sojavalku,sest selle manustamine takistab väikelapse normaalset hormonaalset arengut!

Soja on keskmise imendumiskiirusega,kõige paremini sobivad hiliseks tarbimiseks aeglase toimega kaseiini- ja munavalgud.

Allikas: http://www.powerman.ee/?go=forum&f=9&t=3014

The effects on the thyroid gland of soybeans administered experimentally in healthy subjects

To elucidate (välja selgitada) whether soybeans would suppress the thyroid function in healthy adults, we selected 37 subjects who had never had goiters (kilpnäärme paisumine) or serum antithyroid antibodies. They were given 30g of soybeans everyday and were divided into 3 groups subject to age and duration of soybean administration. In group 1, 20 subjects were given soybeans for 1 month. Groups 2 and 3 were composed of 7 younger subjects (mean 29 y.o.) and 10 elder subjects (mean 61 y.o.) respectively, and the subjects belonging to these groups received soybeans for 3 months. The Wilcoxon-test and t-test were used in the statistical analyses. In all groups, the various parameters of serum thyroid hormones remained unchanged by taking soybeans, however TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels rose significantly although they stayed within normal ranges. The TSH response after TRH stimulation in group 3 revealed a more significant increase than that in group 2, although inorganic iodide levels were lowered during the administration of the soybeans. We have not obtained any significant correlation between serum inorganic iodide and TSH. Hypometabolic symptoms (malaise, constipation, sleepiness) and goiters appeared in half the subjects in groups 2 and 3 after taking soybeans for 3 months, but they disappeared 1 month after the cessation (lõpetamist) of soybean ingestion. These findings suggested that excessive soybean ingestion for a certain duration might suppress thyroid function and cause goiters in healthy people, especially elderly subjects.

Allikas: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1868922

Biological effects of a diet of soy protein rich in isoflavones on the menstrual cycle of premenopausal women

The influence of a diet containing soy protein on the hormonal status and regulation of the menstrual cycle was examined in six premenopausal women with regular ovulatory cycles. Soy protein (60 g containing 45 mg isoflavones) given daily for 1 mo significantly (P < 0.01) increased follicular phase length and/or delayed menstruation. Midcycle surges of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone were significantly suppressed during dietary intervention with soy protein. Plasma estradiol concentrations increased in the follicular phase and cholesterol concentrations decreased 9.6%. Similar responses occur with tamoxifen, an antiestrogen undergoing clinical trial as a prophylactic agent in women at high risk for breast cancer. These effects are presumed to be due to nonsteroidal estrogens of the isoflavone class, which behave as partial estrogen agonists/antagonists. The responses to soy protein are potentially beneficial with respect to risk factors for breast cancer and may in part explain the low incidence of breast cancer and its correlation with a high soy intake in Japanese and Chinese women.

Allikas: http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/abstract/60/3/333

Newest Research On Why You Should Avoid Soy


(3 lehekülge)

Is Soy Healthy?


Soy Research Update


Soy Linked to Many Human and Animal Chronic Health Conditions


The truth about soy: latest research confirms its benefits


(Mitu lehekülge soja kasulikkusest)

Soja poliitika


Kokkuvõte Soja Ohtudest


Rohkem Informatsiooni


(Vasakult menüüst saab valida teemasid)

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Aga milline piirkond maakeral siis kõige rohkem soja tarbib?

Ja kuidas neil tervisenäitajad on.

Jaapanlased tarbivad ohtralt, neil tervisenäitaja kuulduste kohaselt väga head.

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Jaapanlased tarbivad ohtralt, neil tervisenäitaja kuulduste kohaselt väga head.

See esimene toodud müüt ütleski, et tegelikult jaapanlased ei tarbi palju. Et neil on seda soja veidi ketsupites jms maitseainetes lihtsalt veidi.

Kuna soja poliitiliselt promoti ameerikas kuagi palju, siis äkki seal tarbitakse soja kõige rohkem.

Samas, ega vist ei saa ka nii vaadata, et kui soja tarbitakse palju ja eluiga on lühike, siis soja on halb. Sest isikute eluiga sõltub ka ju sõdadest jms-st.

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Jaapanlased tarbivad ohtralt, neil tervisenäitaja kuulduste kohaselt väga head.

Just How Much Soy Did Asians Eat?

In short, not that much, and contrary to what the industry may claim soy has never been a staple in Asia. A study of the history of soy use in Asia shows that the poor used it during times of extreme food shortage, and only then the soybeans were carefully prepared (e.g. by lengthy fermentation) to destroy the soy toxins. Yes, the Asians understood soy all right!

Many vegetarians in the USA, and Europe and Australia would think nothing of consuming 8 ounces (about 220 grams) of tofu and a couple of glasses of soy milk per day, two or three times a week. But this is well in excess of what Asians typically consume; they generally use small portions of soy to complement their meal. It should also be noted that soy is not the main source of dietary protein and that a regime of calcium-set tofu and soymilk bears little resemblance to the soy consumed traditionally in Asia.

Perhaps the best survey of what types/quantities of soy eaten in Asia comes from data from a validated, semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire that surveyed 1242 men and 3596 women who participated in an annual health check-up program in Takayama City, Japan. This survey identified that the soy products consumed were tofu (plain, fried, deep-fried, or dried), miso, fermented soybeans, soymilk, and boiled soybeans. The estimated amount of soy protein consumed from these sources was 8.00 ± 4.95 g/day for men and 6.88 ± 4.06 g/day for women (Nagata C, Takatsuka N, Kurisu Y, Shimizu H; J Nutr 1998, 128:209-13).

What about the traditional use of soy in infant feeding?

Ever heard the industry line that 'soy formulas must be safe because Asian infants have been eating soy for centuries'? Just another piece of false advertising, a little like the claims that 'soy formulas are better than breast milk' that many parents that have fed soy formulas testify to. And to set the record straight, soy was seldom (harva) used in infant feeding in Asia.


Lugemiseks peate olema registreerunud. Seda tasub teha, Mercola lehel on palju häid artikleid.

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Just How Much Soy Did Asians Eat?

In short, not that much, and contrary to what the industry may claim soy has never been a staple in Asia. A study of the history of soy use in Asia shows that the poor used it during times of extreme food shortage, and only then the soybeans were carefully prepared (e.g. by lengthy fermentation) to destroy the soy toxins. Yes, the Asians understood soy all right!

Many vegetarians in the USA, and Europe and Australia would think nothing of consuming 8 ounces (about 220 grams) of tofu and a couple of glasses of soy milk per day, two or three times a week. But this is well in excess of what Asians typically consume; they generally use small portions of soy to complement their meal. It should also be noted that soy is not the main source of dietary protein and that a regime of calcium-set tofu and soymilk bears little resemblance to the soy consumed traditionally in Asia.

Perhaps the best survey of what types/quantities of soy eaten in Asia comes from data from a validated, semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire that surveyed 1242 men and 3596 women who participated in an annual health check-up program in Takayama City, Japan. This survey identified that the soy products consumed were tofu (plain, fried, deep-fried, or dried), miso, fermented soybeans, soymilk, and boiled soybeans. The estimated amount of soy protein consumed from these sources was 8.00 ± 4.95 g/day for men and 6.88 ± 4.06 g/day for women (Nagata C, Takatsuka N, Kurisu Y, Shimizu H; J Nutr 1998, 128:209-13).

What about the traditional use of soy in infant feeding?

Ever heard the industry line that 'soy formulas must be safe because Asian infants have been eating soy for centuries'? Just another piece of false advertising, a little like the claims that 'soy formulas are better than breast milk' that many parents that have fed soy formulas testify to. And to set the record straight, soy was seldom (harva) used in infant feeding in Asia.


Lugemiseks peate olema registreerunud. Seda tasub teha, Mercola lehel on palju häid artikleid.

Hiinas pistavad tofu-t küll igal ajal ja igas asendis , sojapiim ja sojakaste ka väga levinud.

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Eestis on ilmselt vorstitooted peamine soja allikas, mis rahva sojatarbimise koguse määratlevad. Samas ei oska öelda kui palju vorstis sojat on, kas äkki 20%? Kindlasti tarbitakse vorstitooteid aga rohkem kui puhast liha, seega üldine eesti rahva hulk mingi soja koguse keskmiselt saab vortist peamiselt.

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Amazon raamatupoes


sojaraamatu kommentaariumis on kirja pandud üks päris pikk kommentaar

ja see algab päris huvitavalt. Ei teadnud mis on "trypsin" ja nii sattusin otsingumootori abil siia lehele.

Eelpool arvamust avaldanute infole lisaks ja see võib olla huvitav ka teistele kes siia satuvad.

463 of 510 people found the following review helpful:

3.0 out of 5 stars moderation is key, February 28, 2006

By J. Wang "jyswang" (Southern California, USA) - See all my reviews

This review is from: The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food (Hardcover)

One of the most interesting facts I find about people today is they don't use common sense. We all know that orange juice is good for you, it has vitamin C. But orange juice consumed by the gallon daily is NOT GOOD for you. So if someone consumes a gallon of orange juice everyday and becomes diabetic, does this imply that orange juice is evil and has no merits? Overdoing anything, even the best nutrient, and you can overdose.

As a Chinese, and still eating Chinese food 90% of the time, no one in our family overdoses on soy. We drink 16 oz of soymilk at the most per day. Fresh soybeans (edamame), only a handful twice a week. Fresh tofu, freshly fried tofu, miso, tempeh, real fermented soy sauce, fermented soybean pastes, are consumed in larger quantities. But we never eat soy alone. And we don't have these strange soy hotdogs, soy burgers, soy powders, soy shakes, engineered soy products.

Babies are never fed soymilk. As soon as babies can start eating food, they are fed fresh silken tofu, as it is an easily digested protein. But tofu is never the only source of protein. Small amounts of ground meat, milk and regular food are fed to babies.

As for adults, tofu will always be eaten with eggs, or meat or fish in a meal. Never by itself. The same with soybeans, miso and soy sprouts and soy sauce, etc.

I believe that Chinese and Japanese have eaten this way for centuries. And because we consume mostly tofu and fermented soy products, you don't hear people having these kinds of problems. Soybeans are naturally high in trypsin. The process of fermentation and tofu making is what deactivates trypsin, and makes it safe for consumption. That is why soymilk and edamame are not eaten in large quantities.

Also what is unknown to most people is that Chinese eat larger quantities of soy bean sprouts and black soy beans. The black soy beans are commonly mistaken as "black beans", but they are not the Mexican or South American black beans. Black soybeans have higher protein content, and are considered superioer to yellow soybeans.

Even though soybean sprouts have phytoestrogens, they contain less phytoestrogens than alfalfa sprouts. One birth control pill has 5000 times as much estrogen as 20 grams of soy sprouts. So eating soy sprouts occasionally (as in once or twice a week) does not hurt you. But going overboard and eating large quantities everyday is not good for you.

And until Americans started producing soybean oil, the majority of Chinese was raised on peanut oil and safflower oil (made by pressing you choy).

The first written record of the soybean plant is contained in the book "Ben Ts'ao Kang Mu", describing the plants of China by Emperor Shen Nung in 2838 BC. They have been cultivated and eaten since then.

If a food has been eaten for 4800 years, I'm pretty sure there is enough empirical data to show that soy itself is not evil. If the plant was toxic in any way, it would be listed as such in the "Ben Ts'ao Kang Mu" and the Chinese Materia Medica. Perhaps engineered soy foods, such as soy hot dogs, soy protein powders, and such should be eaten sparingly.

But if you have any doubts about soy, you shouldn't eat too much of it, and definitely do not eat engineered foods. As in everything, moderation is key to good health.

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