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Arnold Classic Europe 2014 / amateur & pro - Kristina Nuut 1 ja Egle Eller -Nabi 2!

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See Krissu võiduemotsiooni pilt on kõva.... ;) . Reeda vorm oli ka hea, ei tea mille taha see asi seekord jäi. Kui midagi oleksin teistmoodi teinud, siis grimmi oleksin natuke tumedamaks pannud, kuid mõnes muus kategoorias võitsid ka päris valged mehed, seega ei usu, et see tulemus ka grimmi taha jäi.

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Bikini class winners;


Can't wait to see all these awesome Estonian athletes battling for the IFBB pro card at the Nicole Wilkins Championships. So great to meet all of u :)

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Kristiina võitis päris kindlalt, kui vaadata, siis sama vahega mis Viazmitinova edastas Eglet ja edasi olidki punnised või samad punktid. Palju olengi tähendanud, et bikiinis on need 1 punktised vahed päris tavalised. Reet sedakorda kindlalt 10 koht, mis iseenesest 22 naise seas ei ole paha koht, eks ootused eriti peale EM pronksi on lihtsalt pannud rohkem ootama ja seda enam kui Kristina Nuut keda Reet on alati võitnud võidabsama kategooria suht kindlalt. Eks ütleme nii ,et Kristiinal oli seda arengu reservi ka natuke rohkem ,sest tema treenitus võrreldes Reedaga oli varem ikka oluliselt väiksem. Kuid usun ,et Reet näitab paremat tulemust juba eeloleval MM -l Kanadas.

Kristina sai absoluudis ka kõrge 3 koha, 1 punktiga jäi maha 2 kohast ja samad punktid olid 4 .kohaga (kuid tal pidi olema kõrgemaid kohti rohkem sees) 6 naise võrdluses.

Mul endal oli huvitav vaadata kuhu platseerusid minuga koos norras võistlenud mehed -85kilostes edestas Samir Troudi Norway Openi absoluudi võitnud meest kes platseerus alles 11 kohale , Troudi lõpetas 9 kohaga. Selge, et suurel laval ja paljude meeste võrdluses jäi Niro de la Rua natuke peeneks. Ise olen suutnud siiani just mitte suurel laval ära kaduda...)))

Ott! Selle norra absoluudi võitja üle ei tasu pead murda. See, et ta seal abs võitjaks tuli, on kohaliku konnatiigi koostöö vili. Sellel mehel ei ole suurvõistlustel midagi teha selles kategoorias. Las tuleb klassikasse üle! B)

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Believe or not, U WON! ;)



Väga võimas emotsioon! Supertulemus! Õnnitlused kõigile sportlastele, kes seal Eesti asja eest väljas olid! :)

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Kui ise ei otsi, siis ei otsi keegi :P :

If you read what people are posting, you would not need to search actually ;):Phttp://forums.fitness.ee/index.php?/topic/38822-arnold-classic-europe-2014-amateur-pro-kristina-nuut-1-ja-egle-eller-nabi-2/?p=403613

Anyway, Russian Vitaly Fateev wins men's amateur bodybuilding over all , for more photos, please visit http://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=2384


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Lots of high quality videos added at Team-andro.com // http://clips.team-andro.com/gvideos.php?urlkey=arnoldclassiceurope2014&gid=201

Awarding at up to 172cm bikini fitness with Kristina Nuut: (see the finals video of Kristina's class HERE, and the over all comparison video HERE.)



Awarding at up to 169cm bikini fitness with Egle:



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by Andrew Michalak

Sunday noon, a very special moment at the Arnold Classic Europe in Madrid: seven bodybuilding champions – winners of seven bodyweight categories enter the stage to fight for the “champion of the champions” title. Who will be the best bodybuilder of this year’s Arnold Classic Europe? Who will pass to the IFBB history? Who will follow three previous ACE overall winners: Feras Saied (2011), Alexander Kodzoev (2012) and Sandro Hofer (2013)?

All seven pretenders perform seven compulsory poses as a group. And again, in the changed order of competitors. Then a short posedown for the public because judges must be already ready with their notes. This time they are unanimous, putting the same bodybuilder in the first place. The new Arnold Classic Europe bodybuilding king is the super heavyweight champion Vitaly Fateev of Russia! He is the first Arnold Europe overall champion, who won this title with perfect scores of 5 points in total.

Fateev started his competitive bodybuilding in 2003, participating as a junior in the Krasnodar Province Championships, then in the South Russian Championships. In 2005 he moved into the seniors division. In 2007 moved to Moscow, winning the Moscow Championships and the Moscow Region Championships, both in overall. 2008 was the next milestone in his career: he won the Russian Nationals (super heavyweight) and in overall lost to Alexander Kodzoev only. The next four years were less successful to him. In 2012 he participated in his first international contest: Arnold Classic Europe, but didn’t enter the semifinals. Bigger progress came in 2013 when he focused on the Arnold Europe only. Much better muscle quality resulted in the 3rd place. This achievement built up his self-confidence and proved that his new training and nutrition methods were the best for his body. He repeated this system this year with even bigger success. Congratulations!

The next attraction of the Arnold Europe super finals was the fitness category. In the short class, up to 163 cm, there were a close battle of three athletes: current European champion Anna Dudushkina (Mekhnina) of Russia, the latest Amateur Olympia winner Nikolett Szabó (Hungary) and the European Championships bronze medal winner Pia Pajunen (Finland). Szabó won the routine round, Dudushkina won the physique assessment round but the winner of this category was… Pajunen, who placed 2nd in both rounds.

In the tall class, over 163 cm, the last year’s Arnold Europe 3rd place winner Giorgia Foroni (Italy) moved up to the top, leaving behind Marina Zvancuka of Latvia and Stephanie Hebert of France.

The women’s fitness overall title went to Pia Pajunen (Finland) and this success is a good sign for her before the upcoming World Fitness Championships in Montreal.

Nobody could challenge the current men’s fitness world champion Konstantin Nekrasov, who easily grasped the title. The only serious opponent to him, Oleg Anissimov of Estonia, was nominated to this contest but didn't come.

Vitaly Fateev (Russia), Arnold Classic Europe 2014 Amateur IFBB Overall Champion, congratulated by Governor Schwarzenegger and President Santonja

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EUROVISION, the largest network in the world directly connected to broadcasters covering Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas, is offering satellite images to over 600 TV channels Worldwide of a fifteen-minute program from the Arnold Classic Europe, held in Madrid, in the course of the excellent relationship and the scheduled series of IFBB events that will be covered and transmitted by Eurovison worldwide via satellite.
The upcoming IFBB events with this coverage will be the World Fitness Championships in Montreal, Canada, the Olympia Amateur Africa in Johannesburg, South Africa, and the World Men's Championships in Brasilia, Brazil.

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