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THE Olympia weekend 2013

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Ms Olympia Prejudging

Iris Kyle hunting for 9th ..

.. Alina Popa skipped Olympia last year, is now back and obviosly the only one who is able to challange Iris, if she is..

TOP in Ms Olympia Iris Kyle vs Alina Popa






Besides these 2, in the first call out were ;

Juanita Blaino


Brigita Brezovac


Yaxeni Oriquen


For more Ms Olympia prejudging photos, please visit ..




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As much as I hate to bitch about the results, I dont find Ashley's physique best here, nothing super-wow in it. Really liked Melo and Latona here, and Robles... Melo forever ! :)


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I hate the judges fucking up the whole thing up at this point. Sending Phil back can mean only one thing. And no, he was not that much better than the others, if at all!

Kai is simply HUGE and WIDE. Everyone else look just bantamweight bodybuilders next to him.

Roelly and Beyeke the most improved in this whole line up!

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I hate the judges fucking up the whole thing up at this point. Sending Phil back can mean only one thing. And no, he was not that much better than the others, if at all!

Kai is simply HUGE and WIDE. Everyone else look just bantamweight bodybuilders next to him.

Roelly and Beyeke the most improved in this whole line up!

I think the judges had a better view and most agreed that Kai was off. He may not even make it to 2-nd. Wolf or Rhoden might be runner up this year. The judges were probably confident enough that Phil beats everyone so they are instead concentrating on a fair 2-nd and 3-rd placings.

Huge and Wide does not make a mr. O. Or Wolf would have been one years ago. :D

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Yes, maybe the judges thought he is a clear winner but why to ruin the whole contest showing that someone is going to win, already at this point ... having him in that last comparison would have not harm anything. :/

I did not say Kai wasnt off, I said he was big and huge which he is and made everyone look tiny :)

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Krt, just ärkasin. Ei videosid, ei pilte, ei midagi. Otsisin netist kiiresti aga hetkel vaikus. Kui keegi mingisugust materjali kuskilt leiab, siis olge head jagage teistega ka!

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Krt, just ärkasin. Ei videosid, ei pilte, ei midagi. Otsisin netist kiiresti aga hetkel vaikus. Kui keegi mingisugust materjali kuskilt leiab, siis olge head jagage teistega ka!

Cutler on kutu. Top 6 oleks kingitus. Jalad on tasemel aga ülakeha ei kannata enam erilist kriitikat teiste meeste kõrvalt. Ramy on suur, aga top 6-te arvatavasti ei mahu. Phil'i võit nii kindel, et teda ei hakatud teiste meestega isegi eriti võrdlema. Saadeti rivistusse tagasi ja võeti 2-5 koha mehed ette. :D


Muudetud kasutaja Archangel poolt

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Cutler on kutu. Top 6 oleks kingitus. Jalad on tasemel aga ülakeha ei kannata enam erilist kriitikat teiste meeste kõrvalt. Ramy on suur, aga top 6-te arvatavasti ei mahu. Phil'i võit nii kindel, et teda ei hakatud teiste meestega isegi eriti võrdlema. Saadeti rivistusse tagasi ja võeti 2-5 koha mehed ette. :D


Nõustun, et Cutler ei ole enam oma parimas vormis- tore, et ta ikka lavale tuli, aga thatś it. Samas hr Wolf on päris hea!

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Vaatasin ka pilt ja nende põhjal ei olnud tõesti Heathile vastast. Vorm, mass, proportsioon. Kai ei üllatanud millegagi ,liiga raske see kajastub nii talje ümbermõõdus kui eelmisel aastal oli tal selgelt teravam vorm. Kindlasti oma ühes parimas konditsioonis on Wolf kes minu silmis võib top 3 olla küll. Rhodeni ülakeha jääb selgelt jalgadest maha ja sama ka Cutleril. Dexter on kompaktne kuid liiga väikseks jääb suurte meeste kõrval.

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BDB tundub küll Wolf'i oma olevat. Jõhker mass ja pm. kõigist parem teravus. Miinuspunkte säärte ja geneetiliselt väikeste lailihaste eest. Aga muidu, jõhkralt hea vorm.


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