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Arnold Classic and Arnold Amateur 2013. EGLE 2 KOHT!

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Evan Centopani Opts out of 2013 Arnold Classic


IFBB Pro Evan Centopani's Olympia Stage Debut wasn't as well as we would have expected. Evan took 8th place.

Before that, Centopani has competed in both the 2011 and 2012 Arnold Classics taking 4th and 3rd respectively.

In the following video, Centopani explains there isn't much of an off-season between the Olympia and the Arnold. Reading into that, it looks like the only time we will see Evan on stage again will be at the 2012 Mr Olympia.

Will taking an entire year off for the Olympia help Evan Centopani move from 8th to top 6? He will have to combat Mr Olympia Phil Heath, Former Mr Olympia Jay Cutler, the venerable and Mr Olympia Runner Up Kai Greene, former Mr Olympia Dexter Jackson, 3rd place finisher Shawn Rhoden, Branch Warren, Dennis Wolf, etc.

Another one sitting out the up coming Arnold is 3 times Champ Nicole Wilkins who recently announced she will not be defending her title. Her official announcement ;

For the past five years, the Monday after Thanksgiving always marks the first day of my prep for the Arnold Classic. But not this year – because, since 2008, I’ve decided to sit out the event. For the first time since I’ve been a pro, I’m going to give myself a longer off-season to make the improvements I feel are necessary to get my physique where I want it to be to hopefully win back the Figure Olympia title.

For those of you who will be in Columbus, I will be too – just at the Met-Rx booth and not on stage. I’m sure it will be hard watching all of the other girls competing that weekend, but I know this is the right decision for me at this time. And I know I’ll be back on the Arnold Classic Figure International stage in 2014 going for title No. 4!

Thank you to Fitness Management Group (FMG), my trainer Kim Oddo and MET-Rx for supporting me with this decision. Here’s to a great 2013!


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*more information to follow*

Kas see võistlus on varasematel aastatel ka nii vara olnud- juba veebruari lõpus? Kes nüüd sinna minna tahavad, peaksid juba praegu rõõmsalt dieedil olema ja jõulude ajal kurvalt pealt vaatama kuidas lähikondlased verivorsti sisse ajavad :D

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A week after Evan Centopani announced that he will sit out the 2012 Arnold Classic, another favorite has done the same. This time it is none other than the reigning champ Branch Warren! For the official rosters check back in a few weeks. Here he is telling us the news



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No mina nagu tahaks minna :rolleyes: Verivorstidest selle nimel iga kell valmis loobuma! Aga eks vaatab, kas lastakse ;) Sinna väljaspool Usat pole niisama lihtne saada..

Küll lastakse kui on varasemalt tiitleid ette näidata. :)

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Flexonline.com takes an early-look on the upcoming AC - http://www.flexonlin...ssic-2013-grabs


The story of the day isn't about who will compete in the 2013 Arnold Classic, rather it's who is NOT competing in it. We won't see reigning Mr Olympia Phil Heath, former Mr Olympia Jay Cutler, Kai Greene, Branch Warren, Evan Centopani, Victor Martinez or Shawn Rhoden on stage this March.

Both Phil Heath and Jay Cutler are going to go 'mano a mano' with Kai Greene at the 2013 Mr Olympia. They have their game faces on and their game plans all laid out. So we can safely cross these gentlemen off the 2013 Arnold Classic list.

Branch Warren, who sustained a quad injury in 2011, came back with true grit and determination to win the 2012 Arnold Classic, beating out Dennis Wolf and Evan Centopani. However, Warren barely made the top 5 at the 2012 Olympia. Warren just recently announced he is opting out of the 2013 Arnold Classic. In my opinion, it's a good decision. Branch Warren needs to take off a long hiatus from the gym, rest and come back to the Olympia. Even then, I see him only placing 6th or 5th.

Evan Centopani recently announced he's not competing in the 2013 Arnold Classic. He placed 3rd at the 2012 Arnold but only placed 8th at the 2012 Mr Olympia. Evan lost his edge between the Arnold and the Olympia. In this video clip, he explains what he plans to do in order to get that edge back and part of the plan is not to compete in the Arnold.

One of my favorites, Victor Martinez, will be competing on his old stomping grounds at the 2013 New York Pro. It will be his first competition in a few years. He's been gaining size and strength over the past 6 months. In my personal conversation with him, Martinez has worked out the bugs and the demons and anticipates being in the mix, once qualified, for the 2013 Mr Olympia.

Flex Athlete and friend Shawn Rhoden just announced he will not be competing in the 2013 Arnold Classic in this announcement article. Rhoden competed eight times in 2012, to include having taken 6 weeks off for a hernia surgery. Rhoden placed 3rd at the 2012 Mr Olympia with a sharp and chiseled physique. However, he also knows the big boys were off last year. So if he wants to stay in the mix, Rhoden needs to add some size between now and the 2013 Mr Olympia.

So who's left? Dennis Wolf, Ben Pakulski, Dexter Jackson, Lionel Beyeke, Brandon Curry, Fouad Abiad, Michael Kefalianos, Ben White, Toney Freeman, Ben White, Roelly Winklaar, Hidetada Yamagishi, Johnnie Jackson, Essa Obiad and Fred Smalls are just a few names off the top of my head.

It could be Dexter Jackson's to have. He's outgunned everyone on this list at one time or another. But having just competed in the Masters Olympia, there's only a few weeks of rest before getting back on the wagon. With that said, I don't think Dexter can take it if Pakulski, Fouad, Freeman or Beyeke come in big and sharp.

My prediction? Ben Pakulski will be your new 2013 Arnold Classic Champion.

What are your thoughts?

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Are we getting the weakest AC line up ever?

Just a few weeks shy of the impending Arnold Classic invitation list being revealed, anticipation continues to build. With Branch Warren and Shawn Rhoden both out of the running, many are wondering who will be on the list this year. One name you will not see on the list is Dennis Wolf. Although many were speculating that he might throw his name in at the last minute, he will not.

We caught up with Dennis on his way home from Brazil to see what he had to say about his decision to sit out the 2013 Arnold Classic:

"I'm out of Arnold Classic 2013 because I feel that my body needs a rest. I competed the last three years in both the spring and fall seasons, so almost whole year of dieting and working out hard. I would love to win the Arnold. Everybody knows I want this title big time, but its time to give my body some rest. I've been off since the Prague Pro and will train just a little bit till the end of December. I'll start my real off-season in January, focusing on the 2013 Olympia."

- Dennis Wolf


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The official competitor lists are out;


Arnold Classic (13)

Fouad Abiad

Darrem Charles

Toney Freeman

Marcus Haley

Dexter Jackson

Johnnie Jackson

Michael Kefalianos

Cedric McMillan

Ben Pakulski

Edward Nunn

Ronny Rockel

Fred Smalls

Hidetada Yamagishi

Ms. International (12)

Brigita Brezovac

Kim Buck

Tazzie Colomb

Angela Debatin

Alevtina Goroshinskaya

Elena Kavva

Iris Kyle

Debi Laszewski

Cathy Lefrancois

Yaxeni Oriquen

Jeannie Paparone

Olga Puzanova

Fitness International (12)

Myriam Capes

Bethany Cisternino

Regiane DaSilva

Nicole Duncan

Ryall Graber-Vasani

Oksana Grishina

Fiona Harris

Amanda Hatfield

Tanji Johnson

Melinda Szabo

Kizzy Vaines

Trish Warren

Figure International (18)

Cheryl Brown

Ava Cowan

Heather Dees

Olga Gallardo

Mallory Haldeman

Aleisha Hart

Candice John

Candice Keene

Candice Lewis

Kamla Macko

Camala Rodriguez

Giada Simari

Nicole Sims

Erin Stern

Gennifer Strobo

Alea Suarez

Ann Titone

Natalie Waples

Bikini International (18)

Noy Alexander

Jennifer Andrews

Jamie Baird

Tiffany Boydston

Abbie Burrows

Lacey DeLuca Lieto

Tawna Eubanks

Ashley Kaltwasser

Lexi Kauffman

Nathalia Melo

Justin Munro

Nicole Nagrani

Noemi Olah

India Paulino

Jessica Paxson

Yeshaira Robles

Marcela Tribin

Anna Virmajoki

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Figure võistlejatest üks lemmikuid minul Ava Cowan. Fantastiliselt stiilne naine. Iga kord üllatab oma uue soenguga ja kannab kõik välja! Ilusale inimesele sobib kõik :rolleyes:



Õnnestus koos Avaga Arnold Classicul Madriidis sügisel pilti teha! :rolleyes:

  • Upvote 1

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Any Estonians attending?

The Netherlands had their qualification for the Arnold AM at Dutch GP. The qualified athletes are;

Jonathan Later (BB)

Marvin Nagelbloem (BB)

Michael Muzo (BB)

Steven de Windt (BB)

Stefanie Juliana (bikini)

Lesley Barents (body fitness)

Roxanne Alexandra Lensveld (body fitness)

Floor van Putten (women's physique)

Van Putten & Stefanie Juiana at the GP - thanks to http://www.bodyandfashionforum.nl/



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Great, all the best luck for your prep, Egle! :)


Czech Milan Sadek preps for the Arnold AM as well, his delt work out from the end of the Dec - HERE.

Sadek at the 2012 IFBB European Championships (5th)


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