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Mr. Olympia 2012 (Phil Heath VS Kai Greene) video!

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Oleneb kust pildid tehtud on, muutub ka võrdlus, sellel viimasel võrdlusseerial mõjub Kai ka paremini, kuid kui lugeda poosid kokku, siis Phil võtab ikkagi ära ja ainus põhjus, pisut teravam, kuid minuarust ka mitte nii võimas kui aasta tagasi või vähemasti ma ei näe edasiminekut. Kai on läinud paremaks ja kui suudab ,ennast ikka ära kuivatada selle massi juures nagu väiksema kaalu puhul, siis võib ka aasta pärast võita.

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DId you miss women's finals and men's prejudging round? No worry, BB.com will upload the webcast replays in a moment, you will find them shorlty HERE.

What did your favorites looked like, who impressed and who disappointed? See the photogalleries from men's prejudging on BB.com , RXmuscle.com , NPCnewsonline and Eastlabs.biz .

UPDATE: Also galleries updated on Team-andro.com



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You only had one job, Kai.


Tegelt ma ei tohiks pettunud olla, et Kai aasta ainukeseks võistluseks ka tippteravust ei suuda saavutada. Ennustasin teda ju teiseks ja maailma teine pole paha olla, aga kui tundub, et oleks olnud võimalus...

Mille peale ma tegelikult pahane olen, et 4:30 pidi hakkama ülekanne. Teen kell 5 arvuti lahti ja alles mingi 5 min pärast algab show naiste fitnessiga!

Ok, las viskavad satosid, lasen silma pooleks tunniks looja. Teen silma lahti, naiste fitnessi kohustuslikud poosid alles. Teen veel omakorda poole tunni pärast silma lahti, habemega naiste kohustuslikud poosid. Sealmaal mulle aitas ja otsustasin meeste vormidega täna tutvuda. Muidu oleks esimesed väljakutsed ära vaadanud ja korras. Nüüd pool ööd niisama magamata. /end rant

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Men's -212 showdown prejudging will start in an hour, there is no LIVE webcast from the prejuding round but one can follow the comments // play by play on the forums, for example on MD. 212 finals will BE webcasted, with Mr Olympia and Figure Olympia finals which will start at 5 am on bodybuilding.com.

No doubts -212 showdown will be interesting one, specially as Kevin English is out.

Ed Correa will be in the mix for sure, conditioned like always.


What about Dave Henry?


Tricky ain't fat either..


Flex Lewis?


Jose Raymond, one of the preshow favorites as well.


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1st call out: Eduardo Correa - Dave Henry - Flex Lewis - Jose Raymond

2nd call out: Al Auguste - Curtis Bryant - Tricky Jackson - Guy Cisternino - Fernanro Noronha

3rd call: Lyndon Belgrave - Derik Farnsworth - Vargas - Jamal Elmadawy - Raul Carrasco

Correa, Henry, Lewis and Raymond brought back.

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Still waiting for the comparison photos to see who has this one. But some individual photos already added on various galleries;




Some other guys // individual shots // after the TOP which seem to be in their own league here.

Great framed Auguste didnt manage to bring his A game even if was taken to the 2nd call..


Curtis Bryant, another 2nd call competitor


Can Guy do the same what his wife Bethany did yday at Fitness Olympia - make it to the TOP 6?


Tricky isnt big enough for TOP 4 but might sneak into TOP 6?


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212 is Henry... Kai deserve to win this O,it's all good Dex,Phil and Shawn except Branch.

I so agree. With all of that. And this so sucks as Kai would so deserve here the win, he looked phenomenal at the prejudging round but I guess still the judges will give to Phil. But let s see what happens in the finals.

Speaking of the finals ..

LIVE WEBCAST showing YOU the Figure Olympia, Mr Olympia and -212 Showdown finals will begin at 4 30 am (contest itself begins at 5 am) http://streaming.bod...lympia-webcast/

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Kas keegi on näinud kunagi veel paremat selja lailihast tagant kui härra Flex Lewisel?

post-50-0-72904100-1348948100.jpgUsun, et see poos on selle mehe esituses(paremalt kolmas) maailma parim selja lailihase tagantvaate poos maailmas läbi aegade! Kahjuks ühe hea poosiga võistlust ei võida :rolleyes:

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So, what do you say, who takes this?

Hard to say. Will wait for the replays before making any decision since I'm not very familiar with the 202 division and the competitiors.

Correa may have a great conditioning and the freak factor, but Henry looks aestethic and so does Lewis.

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Kas keegi on näinud kunagi veel paremat selja lailihast tagant kui härra Flex Lewisel?

post-50-0-72904100-1348948100.jpgUsun, et see poos on selle mehe esituses(paremalt kolmas) maailma parim selja lailihase tagantvaate poos maailmas läbi aegade! Kahjuks ühe hea poosiga võistlust ei võida :rolleyes:


Minu arust on Henry(paremalt teine) selg ilusam. Lewisel on kuidagi...freaky selg, aga tundub kõrge.

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