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European Children's Fitness Championships & Bikini World Cup 2012

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European Children's Fitness Championships and Bikini World cup will be held in Budabest, Hungary, in the beginning of June - from 1st to 3rd June.

Please for further information, please visit IFBB inspection report - http://www.ifbb.com/...commodation.pdf or open the pdf-file attached here.


Vanessa Belova, Latvia, winner of the World Children´s Championships 2010 held in Bratislava.

Children EC+BWC.pdf

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by Andrew Michalak

Hungarian Federation will be the host of the first European Children Fitness Championships to be held in Budapest during the upcoming weekend. This is a new initiative, approved by the EBFF and IFBB. It shows how children fitness is progressing in the European countries; however not in all of them yet. Eight countries: Poland, Iceland, Turkey, Serbia, Lithuania, Rumania, Slovakia and Hungary will participate in the first IFBB European Children Fitness Championships and Bikini World Cup. Altogether, 44 children will perform on the stage in Budapest, with the great majority of girls (42). But we need to remember that (who knows why?) children fitness has been much more popular among girls than boys in Europe. Recently, it has begun to change slowly. The other factor is that parents have to cover all costs of children participation in the championships as in most countries neither Sport Ministry nor National Federations have founds for this purpose. We can only hope that step by step this situation will change. Better to spend money for children sport that later on for their rehabilitation or other medical treatments.

“We are very happy to organize this event. In Hungary, the related Ministry and the National Olympic Committee have officially acknowledged and recognized the IFBB and IFBB events. Our educational program has also been officially acknowledged and recognized.” – said Hungarian Federation President Istvan Huber.

“The position of the official master of ceremony at this event will be taken by the current world fitness champion Ms. Melinda Szabó.” – he added.

Athletes and delegates will be accommodated in the four-star Hotel Arena Budapest. The hotel has a swimming pool and a gym of 1000 sq. m. The historical downtown of Budapest is about 3 km from the hotel, the Danube River is about 10 minutes by car. Visitors may have a nice view of Budapest from the Danube bridges.

“All participating nations will be warmly welcome.” – Mr. Huber ended.

Many of children nominated to these Championships participated in the previous events, even at the 1st World Children Fitness Championships in Bratislava in 2010. Regina BENKŐ (Hunagry) won in 2010 and 2011. She started being 8 years old, now she is 11. Anna HEPNEROVA (Slovakia) follows her. Vanesa LISZIOVÁ (Slovakia) was also victorious in 2010 and 2011 but in different age grpups. Now she advanced to the oldest group. Dorka OSZTERMAYER (Hungary), Nelli NOVODOMSKÁ (Slovakia), Tatiana KOZUCHOVA (Slovakia), Lili SOOS (Hungary) participated in both previous championships and will try to continue their sries of success. They are progressing, showing more atrtractive and more difficult routines eachg year. We can expect that many of them will move to the IFBB junior fitness categories soon.


June 1st, Friday:

13:00 - 17:00 – Arrival of Teams.

17:00 - Registration and Technical Meeting.

June 2nd, Saturday:

11:00 - 18:00 – European Children Championship (semifinals and finals)

18:30 - 20:00 – Bikini World Cup

20:30 - 22:00 – Farewell Banquet

June 3rd, Sunday: Departures




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Competitor lists announced..






  1. Margareta GONDOVÁ Slovakia
  2. Dorka GÖBÖLÖS-SZABÓ Hungary
  3. Réka KARNA Hungary
  4. Mira TÓTH Hungary
  5. Alexandra TÓTH Hungary

FROM 8 TO 9 YEARS OLD (BORN 2004-2003)

  1. Lana MOMIROVIC Serbia
  2. Nasta VRÁBELOVÁ Slovakia
  3. Nelli NOVODOMSKÁ Slovakia
  4. Beatrix ILOSVAI Hungary
  5. Enikő PAPP Hungary
  6. Bojana SAFRADIN Hungary
  7. Dóra HORVÁTH Hungary

FROM 10 TO 11 YEARS OLD (BORN 2002-2001)

  1. Victoria KALITTA Poland
  2. Ioana SORIANU Romania
  3. Sladjana RADJENOVIC Serbia
  4. Anna HEPNEROVA Slovakia
  5. Greta PROČKOVÁ Slovakia
  6. Maria POLERECKÁ Slovakia
  7. Regina BENKŐ Hungary
  8. Panni FRAUNBERGER Hungary
  9. Luca TÓTH Hungary
  10. Lili SOÓS Hungary
  11. Vivien VASS Hungary
  12. Noémi NÉMETH Hungary
  13. Kitti DZSUPPIN Hungary

FROM 12 TO 13 YEARS OLD (BORN 2000-1999)

  1. Aleksandra KEPA Poland
  2. Tatiana KOZUCHOVA Slovakia
  3. Michaela LUPTÁKOVÁ Slovakia
  4. Alzbeta HULINOVA Slovakia
  5. Elisa NOVODOMSKÁ Slovakia
  6. Laura LISSÁK Hungary
  7. Bianka KIS Hungary
  8. Dorka OSZTERMAYER Hungary
  9. Fanni HUDÁK Hungary
  10. Sandra LAYTON Hungary
  11. Brenda MAER Hungary
  12. Vilma VÖRÖS Hungary
  13. Fruzsina BENKŐ Hungary

FROM 14 TO 15 YEARS OLD (BORN 1998-1997)

  1. Ioana SORIANU Romania
  2. Iulia MOLDOVAN Romania
  3. Ofelia OSAN Romania
  4. Vanesa LISZIOVÁ Slovakia


FROM 8 TO 9 YEARS OLD (BORN 2004-2003)

  1. Kacper DELEGIEWICZ Poland

FROM 12 TO 13 YEARS OLD (BORN 2000-1999)

  1. Roland SOÓS Hungary


Up to 163 cm

  1. Monika RUDYTE Lithuania
  2. Vivien VASS Hungary
  3. Réka RAJNAI Hungary
  4. Zsuzsanna ILLÉS Hungary
  5. Emőke CSALA Hungary
  6. Katalin EGERVÁRI Hungary

Up to 168 cm

  1. Imola FARCAS Romania
  3. Etelka SIPŐCZ Hungary
  4. Melinda ZSIGA Hungary
  5. Mónika KIS Hungary

Over 168 cm

  1. Evelina DRANSEIKAITE Lithuania
  2. Adalheidur YR OLAFSDOTTIR Iceland
  3. Dalma DÖMÖTÖR Hungary
  4. Nóra MÜLLER Hungary
  5. Réka LADÓ-BURISTA Hungary
  6. Zsuzsanna KONOK Hungary
  7. Erika LAJOS Hungary
  8. Kamilla AMBRUZS-HEGEDŰS Hungary


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Unfortunatelly there havent been any updates at all from Hungary, just learned that Réka Rajnai representing Hungary won the short class // over all title at Bikini world cup.


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IFBB report - http://www.ifbb.com/newsletter/detail.php?id=10094&date=2012-06-01&language=english&prov=index


67 competitors of 7 countries have participated in the Children's European

Championship and the Bikini World Cup. We had the chance to welcome

Iceland, Poland, Rumania, Slovakia, Serbia and Turkey in Hungary.

Hungary is expressing the most profound gratitude to the EBFF and

personally to Mr. President, Rafael Santonja for the chance to organize

the first Children's European Championship in the EBFF history.

The team winner of Children European Championship and Bikini World Cup was

Hungary. Slovakia has finished at the second place and Turkey was the


We do hope that many nations will join to the EBFF reserve program in the

future. We are sure that this new system will considerably increase the

competitor base of the IFBB.

In 2005, Hungary organized the first Bikini Fitness World Cup, which has

become the most popular category as of today.

Hungary is always emphasizing the importance of the reserve education

program and as a result of these efforts, Ms. Regina Benk? is World and

European Champion, Ms. Nikolett Szabó is European champion, Ms. Melinda

Szabó World and European champion plus Arnold Classic winner and Mr. Artúr

Duka Junior European Champion.

In Hungary the IFBB is an officially recognized and acknowledged sport

federation at the highest state level. The Ministry in charge and the

Hungarian Olympic Committee is continously watching highly appreciating

the work and results of IFBB.

At the Children's European Championship, Slovakia and Turkey has

participated with many well-prepared competitors. There have been more

categories where 15 competitors have started. The kids have made excellent

free programs and the audience were very much impressed.We hope that we

will have the chance to welcome a great number of competitors of great

number of nations during the Junior and Masters World championship in

December. Everybody is most welcome!










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