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kas järgnev peab paika?, vastake targemad- kogenumad.

For many trainees, especially the long limbed type that Hardgainers tend to be, the deadlift may be the single most productive movement that can be done. Even surpassing the mighty squat that has become famous for making strongmen out of people that previously could not make significant gains.

kui laialt on selline stiil kasutusel?, kas see viib vigastusteni?

Twenty rep squats (deadlifts) have a long tradition dating back to the 40’s as being the number one thing you can do to make your whole body break-out with new growth. They have been traditionally done by taking a weight that you BARELY make the tenth rep with and then, instead of racking the bar, rest-pause (rest and breath) for JUST long enough to get a couple more reps, then a couple more, and again and again until the full twenty have been completed. To say this is brutal is a huge understatement. Unless you have actually tried it with your true 10 rep max weight that you get 20 reps with, you really have no idea what hard training can be like.

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The Unbeliveable's ütles ju, et ta muidu seesugust trenni enne võistlusi ei tee, aga vist spets video jaoks tegi off-season workouti. Ma sain nii aru.

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