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Mr Europe Pro 2011

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In Madrid, Spain, 26th March.

Official info at IFBBpro.com - IFBB Professional League

There will be also an amateur show (BB and body fitness) where totally 3 pro cards will be given out.


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Korraks uskusin, et tuleb ainult euroopa vägevamate lahing, aga võistlejate nimekirjas on ka mehi teistelt mandritelt :D

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Ütlen ausalt- see show oli mul vahepeal üldse meelest läinud. Jääme siis huviga ootama, kes nendel võistlustel paugutama hakkavad :(

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Before Pro show, there was an amateur show where 2 pro cards were given out. The new pros are Angel Aigueras and Antonio Morales.



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Before Pro show, there was an amateur show where 2 pro cards were given out. The new pros are Angel Aigueras and Antonio Morales.

See kodanik Moralez on minu kati mees - vähemalt varem olen temaga koos korduvalt võistelnud, isegi korra vist õnnestus võita - nüüd siis ka Pro....

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First Call Out:

Toney Freeman

Flex Lewis

Roelly Winklaar

Ronny Rockel

Robert Piotrkowicz

Second Call Out:

Thomas Benagli

Essa Obaid

Toney Freeman

Robert P

Serge Shelestov

Alvin Small

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Third Callout:

Marcos Chacon, and other Spanish pros..(5 in callout).

Angel Higueras looks VERY impressive. Great condition

Fourth Call out:

Flex Lewis

Ronny Rockel

Roelly Winklaar

Toney Freeman

Robert Piotrkowicz

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