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Järjekordne IFBB Pro on lahkunud meie hulgast

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Ifbb Pro Mike Matarazzo läks manalateele.

Michael Richard Matarazzo is a retired IFBB professional bodybuilder. He also mentored a young diamondelts on the basics of widebodyology.

Born on November 8, 1965 - October 23, 2008 and originally from Boston, Massachusetts, Matarazzo moved to Venice, California to further his bodybuilding career. Formerly a boxer, Matarazzo first won the 1989 Gold's Gym Classics in Massachusetts. He eventually competed for the first time in the Mr. Olympia of 1991. Known for his electric performances on stage and his massive arms, earning him the nickname of "Big Guns", his best placing in his 7 total appearances in the Mr. Olympia competition was 9th place in 1998.

Matarazzo's last appearance in a professional bodybuilding event was the 2001 Mr. Olympia, where he placed 21st. He was forced to retire due to having open heart surgery on December 8th, 2004 as a result of clogged arteries. This is the result of eating 5-7 pounds of red meat per day. He is currently residing in Modesto, California and was last reported to be working as a bail bondsman for AJ's Bail Bonds. On November 8, 2007, Matarazzo suffered a heart attack, his second cardiac-related problem since his surgery in December 2004.

Mike Matarazzo was recently hospitalized in Modesto, California for serious heart complications, and went into cardiac arrest soon after being admitted. Despite efforts from hospital staff, Matarazzo died on October 23, 2008 of complications due to Myocardial Infarction and clogged arteries


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otil juba hea meel...minu arust ta kyll veel surnud ei ole...

Sa õpi inglise keelt ja kust sa loed välja heameelt ....

Matarazzo died on October 23, 2008 of complications due to Myocardial Infarction and clogged arteries

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Juhuslikult on mul kodus FLEX, kus on lugu Matarazzost.

Siis oli südameopp möödas ja mees elutargem. Tal oli normaalne töökoht, esimene laps sündinud ja teine tulekul.

Ta uskus, et mida raskemad on trennid, seda rohkem peab valku tarbima ja trennid olevat tal olnud tõeliselt hardcore.

Ja nagu ta uskus, siis südamerike oligi tingitud sellest, et ta sõi(nagu Oti tekstist näha) 2-3 kilo loomaliha päevas! http://farm1.static.flickr.com/55/150885125_b8a3e599f5.jpg <Matarazzo käsi

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_g93bcGvgWBo/SGVk...atarazzo-11.jpg < Matarazzo säärest paremat pilti ei leidnud.

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Sa õpi inglise keelt ja kust sa loed välja heameelt ....

Matarazzo died on October 23, 2008 of complications due to Myocardial Infarction and clogged arteries

kus sa need andmed said?

mina loen foorumitest et ta elab...

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Paistab sel korral on varem usaldusväärset infot jaganud allikad võtnud uudise Wikipediast.

Õnneks on Wikipedia aga allikas, mida iga sass saab editeerida.

Nii et 50:50, ma ütlen

Nagu Schrödigeri kass :D Korraga elus ja surnud.

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tundub et uudis sai alguse Wikipediast, st. on kahtlane. soovitan teema maha võtta, kuni asjaolud selginevad.

mike on elus - kes selle muidu postitas? :D

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Ma sain selle body-building.ru pealt. Ausalt öeldes sellised uudised eriti ei pane imestama, sest paljud Pro sportlased on varem suht varajases eas meie seast lahkunud, seega ei pidanud vajalikuks fakti kontrollida ja naljana ei tahaks ka uskuda, et keegi sellise asja üles paneb.

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