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Pullid pildid netist

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Just to be sure, see keskmine on mees või naine?

Oleneb, kas suguorganite või hormoonide järgi ^_^

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4Chanist ei saa otse pildi linke panna. Sa ise küll näed neid, aga meie ei näe.

Võtan teadmiseks.

Ise ma küll 4chanis ei käi, aga ilmselgelt on need pildid mööda foorumeid laiali :wacko:

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Haha, now I get it:)

Paar muhelema pannud lauset ka.

HIT is running as fast as you can til you are out of breath and then doing it again a couple of times. It used to be called exercising but people quit buying the videos so they had to repackage it and name it something fresh.

HIT is when you do 3 exercises for one set then take 6 days off to rest. During your 6 days of resting you have to go on bodybuilding boards and make fun of the lazy guys who do cardio and lift 6 days a week. Tell them they don't work hard and how you do.

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I don't get it... :(

Seljalihas on väike, rinnal olevad silikoonipallid paistavad mõlemilt poolt ;)

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