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IFBB World Ladies Cup 2014 - Reet Reimets pronks, Egle 4-s, Anastasia 4-s, Kristina 5-s!

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11th - 15th April 2014
Kiev, Ukraine

During the IFBB World Cup in Kiev, the head of the organizing committee of the tournament World Ladies Cup Oleg Korkosenko, president of the National Federation of Bodybuilding Ihor Deliev and president of the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness Dr. Rafael Santoja have signed a document guaranteeing that the absolute winner of the tournament in the fitness bikini and bodyfitness become owners of IFBB professional cards.

"The high level of organization of the first World Ladies Cup tournament in Kiev in April of this year was not left without attention from IFBB and as a result , the best athletes in fitness bikini and bodyfitness will receive not only an excellent prize, but also the dream of many athletes – a professional card IFBB, as the document was signed in Kiev by President Dr. Rafael Santoja IFBB by the International Federation , the President FBBU Deliev Igor and myself on the part of the organizing committee of World Ladies Cup, - Oleg Korkosenko said to "Iron World". - Best world athletes competed in fitness and fitness bikini for the award of the first tournament. The next year, as you know, the tournament program will be changed: a third nomination was added – Body Fitness. And money prize of the World Ladies Cup will increase – from $ 31,000 to $ 54,000. In 2014, there will be held and exhibition during the tournament – Oleg Korkosenko said about important changes in the tournament program.

Of course, the World Ladies Cup tournament in 2014 will be the highlight of the sport spring in the world of "Iron" sport and give another impetus to the development of bodybuilding and fitness in Ukraine and in the world . The information partner of the World Ladies Cup tournament is the power sports magazine number 1 "Iron World". It will be the first to tell about all the events related to the most prestigious IFBB women's tournament.

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Tean ,et sellele võistlusele soovib sõita palju meie sportlasi. Oluline on teada seda, et sel korral võtab IFBB ka osavõtumaksu 150€ per nägu ja lisaks tuleb ööbimine 30€ per nägu öö. Seega kulutused tulevad suuremad kui eelmisel aastal, samas on ka tagasisdaamisvõimalus suurem kui paljudel muudel võistlustel.

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Siin on ära toodud võistluskategooriad ja auhinnarahad ja osavõtumaksud. 150€ per nägu ja kui ei ole IFBB passi, siis on kõigepealt vaja osta pass (kui õigesti mäletan siis ca 30€ ja aastamaks 30€). Eelülesandmise lõpp on 30.märts. Oma soovist, kes tahab sinna minna võistlema palume teavitada info@ifbb.ee

Women's Fitness:
Up to & incl 163cm
Over 163 cm

Women's Bodyfitness:
Up to & incl 163 cm
Up to & incl 168 cm
Over 168 cm

Women's Fitness-Bikini:
Up to & including 163 cm
Up to & including 168 cm
Up to & including 172 cm
Over 172 cm

No limit participants in each category! No B-team!
PRIZE MONEY (in each category)
1st place - 2000$
2nd place - 1000$
3rd place - 800$
4th place - 500$
5th place - 400$
6th place - 300$

Overall winner (bodyfitness, fitness, bikini-fitness) - 3000$
Overall winner (bodyfitness and bikini-fitness) - PRO CARD

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Jah viimaste päevade sündmused on selle teema tõsiselt üles tõstnud, kui oleks tegu samasuguste demonstratsioonidega nagu viimased 2,5 kuud siis ei kahlteks ma ürituse toimumise osas ,sest peale selle peaväljaku kulgeb elu vanamoodi edasi ,kuid siin on iga päevaga seis kriitilemaks muutunud ja eks paistab mis sellest võistlusest saab. Loodame parimat.

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Interesting to see what happens..

...only 2 days ago the categories (same as Ott posted above) were announced at the IFBB news release;


This new IFBB event was inaugurated last year in Kiev. Based on its good attendance and publicity, the organizers decided to continue this concept and make it an annual event. EBFF approved it with pleasure, so there will be the 2nd edition of this contest in mid April. The event has been moved to the ACCO International Exhibition Center – the same where the 2013 World Fitness Championships took place, and will include Expo fairs. The event includes Women Fitness (2 categories), Women Bodyfitness (3 categories) and Women Bikini Fitness (4 categories) at least. Money awards will be distributed among all finalists in each category. Inspection Report will be published soon.


Women's Fitness:

•Up to & incl 163cm
•Over 163 cm

Women's Bodyfitness:

•Up to & incl 163 cm
•Up to & incl 168 cm
•Over 168 cm

Women's Fitness-Bikini:

•Up to & including 163 cm
•Up to & including 168 cm
•Up to & including 172 cm
•Over 172 cm


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In the latest IFBB news release a reminder of this great upcoming female show and pro qualifier //


The World Ladies Cup in its second edition is a Championship designed for the excellence, in which the best female athletes in the categories of Women's Fitness, Women's Bodyfitness, Women's Bikini Fitness will perform in a great organized event with the additional encouragement of obtaining the Pro Card for the overall winner, and a nice support packages for the Top 6 athletes of each category.


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By Andrew Michalak

Ukrainian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation has just published the following statement at their official website:
“Despite the currentsituation complexities in Ukraine, the majority of international sports events are held at scheduled times, in the agreed places, and no single athlete has withdrawn from taking part in the competitions. The capital of Ukraine, as usual is welcoming and open to all visitors, is getting ready to meet upcoming spring and the World Ladies' Cup!

Top-level fitness, bodyfitness and bikini fitness champions from different countries will meet at the international World Ladies’ Cup. Entry Forms are coming each day and a double number of athletes is planning to participate this year than a year ago. The selection of the Ukrainian Team members will be carried out on March 22nd in Kiev.

All sponsors and partners of the event have confirmed their participation and cooperation and promotional campaign of the World Ladies Cup will start soon.

We invite you to visit the "heart of Europe"-the Hero City of Kiev, where on April 11-13, 2014, the annual sport-and-beauty international competition "World Ladies Cup" will take place !”

The basic facts:
Women's Fitness:
  • Up to 163cm
  • Over 163 cm
Women's Bodyfitness:
  • Up to 163 cm
  • Up to 168 cm
  • Over 168 cm
Women's Bikini Fitness:
  • Up to 163 cm
  • Up to 168 cm
  • Up to 172 cm
  • Over 172 cm
Overall winners (bodyfitness and bikini fitness) will have the right to apply for the Pro Card.

For international arrivals Borispol International Airport is recommended. It is located 25 km far from the Bratislava Hotel. All participants get to the hotel by their own. For most of the European countries entry visa is not required. You can easily check if you need a visa at the official website of the Ukrainian Ministryof Foreign Affairs: http://mfa.gov.ua/en/consular-affairs/entering-ukraine/visa-requirements-for-foreigners
Competitors must be nominated by their National Federations.

Deadline for sending the Entry Forms is March 30th, 2014.
E-mail address for sending the Entry Forms and correspondence: ufbb@i.ua
Official website of the contest (English language version available): fbbu.com.ua

Each official participant will have to pay the IFBB Registration Fee of EUR 150. It may be paid in the hotel, after arrival to Kiev.
All competitors will have to present a valid IFBB Competitor’s License. Annual fee for this License is EUR 30 and may be paid in the hotel after arrival.

Bratislava Hotel will be the official hotel of the Cup. It is the same hotel used for the 2013 IFBB World Fitness Championships and for the 2013 World Ladies’ Cup. Special rates for participants of Cup are as follows:

  • EUR 30 per person per night (in double room)
  • EUR 40 per person per night (in single room)

Hotel bookings should be done through the Organizing Committee.

The World Ladies Cup will be held in a new venue – ACCO International Exhibition Center, Kiev, 40-B, Peremohy Ave. It is a big venue, the same as used for the 2013 World Fitness Championships.
Friday, April 11
18:30 - Judges & Team Managers Meeting (Bratislava Hotel)
19:00 - WEIGH-IN / MEASUREMENTS (Bratislava Hotel)
Saturday, April 12
13:00 - Semifinals
Sunday, April 13
14:00 - Official Opening of the Championships and FINALS
20:00 - Farewell Banquet

More details, including the Entry Form, in the Inspection report available at IFBB web: www.ifbb.comand competition web: www.wlc.kiev.ua

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11-13 апреля в Киеве состоится праздник красоты и спорта - ежегодный международный турнир «World Ladies Cup». ИИИИ.... И каждый успешный спортсмен знает, что гримирование неотъемлемая составляющая удачного выступления. Новости по этой части от организаторов!


«Империя Спорта» будет предоставлять услуги качественного гримирования на «World Ladies Cup» в первый и второй дни соревнований! Кабинки для гримирования будут находиться за кулисами. Узнать нас можно по фирменному логотипу.
Наши мастера используют в работе бренд JanTana - мировой лидер в сфере производства продукции для грима и макияжа. Предварительная запись на предоставление услуги обязательна!!! Звоните по тел.: +38 067 240 48 22.
«Империя Спорта» является официальным дистрибьютором JanTana в Украине. Его используют знаменитые спортсмены мирового уровня. Прежде всего, бренд завоевал такую огромную популярность не потому, что им пользуются знаменитые спортсмены, а потому, что это действительно качественный продукт!
Грим наносится с помощью специального профессионального пульверизатора, это эксклюзивное оборудование, аналогов которого нет в Украине.
Преимущества использования JanTana:

  • Гримировка пульверизатором значительно экономит ваше время. Процесс занимаете порядка 10 минут, в то время как стандартная ручная гримировка валиком - 30-40 минут.
  • Высокое качество гримирования. Нанесение профессиональным оборудованием гарантирует равномерное покрытие кожи без пятен и разводов.

Да... кстати 22 марта состоится отбор украиночек на участие в «World Ladies Cup»... И у меня есть надежда, что Ирина Делиева поделится со мной результатами этого мероприятия.


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«Надеюсь, этим письмом отвечу на вопросы, которые задаются мне ежедневно моими знакомыми, товарищами и даже очень близкими людьми. Вопросы не претендуют на оригинальность: «Как там у Вас дела?», «Что в Киеве нового?», «Не тревожат ли Бандеровцы?», «Стреляют у Вас или уже нет?», «Вообще вы будете проводить World Ladies Cup и другие соревнования или переносите до лучших времён?»

Отвечаю: как говорилось в одном замечательном фильме «Тот самый Мюнхгаузен» - «До этого всё было плохо и только сейчас всё должно быть хорошо!»

Новое в Киеве только власть и надежда на то, что будет лучше предыдущей.

«Бандеровцев» я видел только по Российскому ТВ, хотелось бы увидеть вживую, наверно страшно!

У нас не стреляют и мероприятия, которые мы запланировали на первое полугодие, проводим в полном объёме.

Обращаюсь ко всем спортсменам, тренерам и функционерам федерации. Без вашего участия не могут быть проведены все запланированные мероприятия как национальные, так и международные! Не поддавайтесь на провокационную информацию, готовьтесь, выступайте и побеждайте!»

fbbu.com.ua - источник


Ukrainian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation has just published the following statement at their official website:
"Despite the currentsituation complexities in Ukraine, the majority of international sports events are held at scheduled times, in the agreed places, and no single athlete has withdrawn from taking part in the competitions. The capital of Ukraine, as usual is welcoming and open to all visitors, is getting ready to meet upcoming spring and the World Ladies' Cup!
Top-level fitness, bodyfitness and bikini fitness champions from different countries will meet at the international World Ladies' Cup. Entry Forms are coming each day and a double number of athletes is planning to participate this year than a year ago. The selection of the Ukrainian Team members will be carried out on March 22nd in Kiev.
All sponsors and partners of the event have confirmed their participation and cooperation and promotional campaign of the World Ladies Cup will start soon.
We invite you to visit the "heart of Europe"-the Hero City of Kiev, where on April 11-13, 2014, the annual sport-and-beauty international competition "World Ladies Cup" will take place !"


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World Ladies Cup Team Estonia:

Anastasija Zerdetskaja Bodyfitness 168+

Egle Eller-Nabi Bikini -168

Reet Reimets Bikini +168

Kristina Nuut Bikini +168

Alexandra Laer Bikini +168

Natalia Nazarenko- Kiivikas Delegate


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