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Everything posted by AnneP

  1. Dennis Wolf guest posing in Siperian Power Show // http://www.eastlabs.ru/ifbb-evropa-ebff/1437/2016-siberian-power-show-denis-volf And Roelly guest posing this weekend as well, HUGE or what ... And a few more of Roelly ...
  2. No surprises. Kai Greene wins also AC Brazil event this weekend, Juan Morel takes 2nd and Lionel Beyeke 3rd. Marta Aguilar takes the TOP honors in women's fitness.
  3. Congrats Team-andro.com has now the Sunday finals gallery up // https://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=3093&page=2
  4. Sorry for poor updates, internet is weak n I am sick, anyway, TOP results from the day 2, session 1 // https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=145364615508246#!/story.php?story_fbid=1104826692895362&id=145364615508246&__tn__=C
  5. ..... St Louis Pro results// Figure TOP 5 (click on photos in order to view them bigger): 1. Ivana Ivusic 2. Sharmane Williams 3. Nadia Wyatt 4. Sarah Sweeney 5. Idalia Molina WPD TOP 5 1. Jennifer Robinson 2. Brooke Walker 3. Sheronica Henton 4. Lynn Reif 5. Leah Sohn BIKINI TOP 5 1. Brittany Taylor 2. Heidi Carlsen 3. Kenea Yancey 4. Breena Martinez 5. Camile Periat
  6. And rest of the photos from the Day 1 finals // https://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=3091 Pascal Chuckwu wins the masters and open class over all title. 2nd from the left in the over all comparison:
  7. Photos of yday's junior and masters finals are up on https://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=3090
  8. Congrats Esta! ☺ oh I am here in a middle of nothing, cannot see the webcast due very weak internet connection. Anyway, Saturday weigh in photos added at https://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=3089
  9. Lists of finalists (click the photo to view all)
  10. Saturday prejudging galleries are up at https://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=3086 Ott's comparisons //
  11. Competitor lists for the classes with prejudging for today //
  12. And some more shots // first impressions from this years Loaded Cup: Norway's Ole Kristian Våga Mr Baers.. Niro De La Rua
  13. Team-andro.com has weigh in photos up at https://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=3085
  14. Loded cup registration done! tommorow will be fight!☺Stay turned @stellanbossen @fitshop_ee @amanikiivikas ‪#‎loadedcup2016‬ ‪#‎loadedcup‬ ‪#‎competitor‬ ‪#‎bestshow‬ ‪#‎illestshowever‬ ‪#‎teamkiivikas‬ ‪#‎estonia‬
  15. http://www.ifbb.com/2016/02/new-ifbb-categories-rules/ The IFBB has released its new rules for all IFBB categories, in seeking to continue growing and improving the practice of our sport. You can check now all the new rules on the IFBB website ‘Rules’ tab.
  16. And finally the complete result lists with scores are up at http://www.ifbb.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/ACA-RESULTS-list-2016.pdf IFBB.com reviews men's BB classes http://www.ifbb.com/2016/03/2016-arnold-classic-australia-mens-bodybuilding-overall-for-kuwait/
  17. LIVE webcast available for 1 day 5 euros, 2 days 7 euros // http://nowtek.dk/loadedcup/
  18. For 25th year in a row, Sandefjord Open will be held at the traditional venue, Hjertnes Kulturhus, at 19th - 20th March. More details of the event to be published at https://www.facebook.com/Sandefjord-Open-2016-19-og-20-mars-25-%C3%A5rs-Jubileumstevne-1427014850894411/?fref=ts
  19. Sandefjord Open 2016

    LIVE streaming from the Day 2 is ON http://www.treningsforum.no/?action=media-live
  20. Ahmad Ashkanani takes the over all title and receives the IFBB pro card at the Arnold AM Australia. No complete results available yet. Galleries from the amateur BB finals available at https://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=3083