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Koik BRIKI postitused

  1. Olge mureta....küll Hr. Kirp oma reporteri ametit jätkab. Hetkel käsil grimmimine. Ilm on siin nii ilus, et 2 kanget käisid ka jões suplemas. Kes need olid.....seda võite arvata!
  2. Usun, et inimesed kes selles karusellis juba aastaid on olnud ka teavad, et piltide järgi ei saa kunagi kedagi hinnata!
  3. Loomulikult on see väga tähtis asi hindamisel, kuid ma ei pidanud vajalikuks seda siia nimekirja lisada hetkel.
  4. Väike kommentaar minu, kui kohtuniku silmade läbi! Kui sportlased on väga sarnaste vormidega ( nagu antud võistlusel oli), võetakse arvesse järgmised asjad: tatoveeringud, grimm ja ja esteetilisus. Antud võistlusel oleksid kohad võinud ka jaguneda teisiti, kuid grimm oli asi mis sai kindlasti saatuslikuks. Tuletan meelde, et bikini fitness pole missivõistlus!
  5. Võitjaid autasustab! Eriauhinnad AthleticFitnessi võitjatele.
  6. Homme on kohal ka meie Girl Power of fitness.ee tüdrukud, kes kostitavad alati kõiki hea ja paremaga. Degusteerimisel on peale vanade tuttavate ka meie uusim toode SOUL RIPPER mida tasub kindlasti proovida neil, kes otsivad head maitseelamust.
  7. Soome bombshell Anna Virmajoki oli kindlalt esimeses võrdluses ja see tagas temale koha ka laupäevases finaalis Nr. 252
  8. Meie põhjanaaber Anna Virmajoki võistleb kategoorias: Bikini E Class Pilt tehtud loetud päevad enne suurt võistlust.
  9. Fitshop Telliskivi: Kui hindad kvaliteeti!

    Ostes 100 euro eest, saad tasuta kaasa Fasti Pro Series- Workout Shocki!
  10. EMV 2012

    Juuniorid on kuni 23 a.
  11. EMV 2012

    Loe klassikalise kulturismi reegleid, seal kirjas kuidas arvutatakse kaalu http://kulturism.ee/?Page=5#klassika
  12. Fitshop Telliskivi: Kui hindad kvaliteeti!

    UUS TOODE Pro lifting gloves Hind: 21,90
  13. Fitshop Telliskivi: Kui hindad kvaliteeti!

    Saabusid uued Gasp ja Better Bodies meeste riided! GASP 1,2 lbs hoodie, valikus valge ja must. Hind: 149,90 eurot UUS TOODE! GASP Max Street Tee, valikus hall. Hind:49,90 eurot UUS TOODE! Better Bodies Sweated Jacket, valikus valge ja must. Hind: 109 eurot
  14. Fitshop Telliskivi: Kui hindad kvaliteeti!

    Saadaval on erinevad maitsed Fast Sports protein batoone Matrix PRO vanilli maitsega batoonid
  15. RULES: ATHLETIC FITNESS Rounds Elimination. If there are more than 15 competitors in one category, the elimination is done by assessing physique in four quarter turns as in fitness. The procedure and the judging criteria are the same as in fitness. Men`s attire as in fitness, women`s attire as in bodyfitness (black two-piece bikini). Any kind of footwear is prohibited. Prejudging Round 1 (Physique Round; Quarter Turns). Presentation, scoring and assessment of R1 as in fitness. In R1 every athlete gets an individual placing. Ties are broken using the relative placement method. Round 1 Prejudging Round 2 (Strength Round; Pullups and Dips). Pullups are performed first. There must be at least 3 stations (one for every 5 athletes). The athletes are grouped in numerical order (station 1: numbers 1-5, station 2: numbers 6-10, station 3: numbers 11-15). Three judges count the repetitions at each station: one judge must see from the level of the bar that the chin reaches over the bar, one judge must stand behind the athlete to see that the arms are completely straight (locked out) at the bottom position and one judge must see from the side that there is no swinging of the body. Every judge counts the correct repetitions with a „clicker“. Judges may give instuctions to the athlete during the performance but no argumentation is allowed on the stage after the performance. The highest and the lowest number of repetitions is eliminated, score will be the averange amount of reps. When all the athletes have completed their pullups, dips will follow. The dips are performed in the same groups and order to give equal time for recuperation. One judge stands behind the athlete and other judges at both sides to see that the elbows are locked out at the top position, the „depth“ is adequate ( shoulders must go below the elbow line) and there is no swinging of the body. The tempo used to perform pullups and dips must be moderate, so that the judges can distinguish and count correct repetitions. Scoring of Round 2. According to the number of reps, each athlete will get a place in pullups and a place in dips. If two or more athletes have the same number of repetitions, they will get the same place. the Place in Round 2 = the place in pullups + the place in dips. Ties will not have to be broken in this round. Round 2 Prejudging Round 3 (Endurance Round; Ergometer rowing). There must be at least 5 ergometers. Athletes are divided into heats according to their placings after R1 and R2. (In case of an equal score, the place in R1 is decisive.) The lowest placed athletes perform in the first heat and the highest placed athletes in the last heat. Behind each ergometer a judge must stand to prevent the movement of the ergometer during rowing. The distance for ergometer rowing is 1000 meters. After the last heat all the athletes get their placings in Round 3. It is possible but very rare in practice that two or more athletes finish with the same time. In that case they will get the same place in R3. Round 3 NOTE: an alternative for Ergometer rowing machines can be Speed jumping or Plyometric Exercise jumping. The 3rd Round method will be mentioned in the Inspection Report. Scoring of Prejudging. the Prejudging place = R1 place + R2 place + R3 place. All three Rounds will be 1/3 of the total score. In case of a tie, the placing in R1 is decisive. FINALS The top six athletes advance to the finals. They start from „zero“ and carry out the full program: Physique Round, Strength Round and Endurance Round. Finals Round 4 (Physique Round; Quarter Turns). R1 is presented, scored and assessed as in fitness Finals. Attire is the same as in Prejudging. Finals Round 5 (Strength Round). One by one (in numerical order) the six finalists perform pullups and then dips. Finals Round 6 (Endurance Round). Six ergometers are needed, so that all the finalists can perform in one heat. Alternatively Plyometric Speed jumps will be performed. Scoring of Finals. Scoring system is the same as in Prejudging. Categories Women -163cm and +163cm Men -175cm and +175cm Descriptions of technique Chin-ups: It is required to use an overhand grip. The maximum width of the grip is 1 meter : from the little finger to the little finger. The body is in a hanging position, meaning that the elbows are locked out and the back straightened out. The body is now pulled upwards until the chin reaches over the bar, then lowered back to the starting position. During the exercise, the body may only move in a vertical way, the positioning of the feet must not be changed. The tempo used to perform pull-ups must be moderate, so that the judges could distinguish and count the correct repetitions. Dips: Before beginning the exercise, the body must be in a locked position, meaning that the elbows must be locked out, and the body is in a vertical position. The body is then lowered until the shoulders have reached below the elbow line. During this exercise, the body must not swing and must move only in a vertical way, and, once again, the positioning of the feet must not be changed. The tempo used to perform dips must be moderate, so that the judges could distinguish and count the correct repetitions. Ergometer rowing: This exercise consists of two phases—the preparatory phase and the drive phase. At the end of the preparatory phase, the arms are extended forward until straight, the shoulders and the neck are in a neutral position, and the upper body slightly bent forward. The shins are vertical and the legs firmly bent from the knees. The space between the seat on the monorail and the knees should be about 15-20cm. The drive phase begins with a push as pressure is exerted to the foot plate until the legs have straightened out. The upper body is then slightly leaned back by contracting the core muscles and the hands are drawn back to the lower ribs, the arms must remain straight from the wrists. The drive phase ends, and the preparatory phase begins by promptly bending the upper body forward, then allowing the knees to bend and slide the seat forward on the monorail. The knees may be bent only after the arms have reached over the knees. When compared to the clock, it is recommended that the body moves from eleven o’clock to one o’clock, excessive bending is not recommended. In order to achieve rythm and smoothness, it is necessary to ensure that the drive phase generates enough force, and the preparatory phase lasts long enough to allow the muscles to relax in order to prepare for the next drive phase. It is recommended to start with three partial and forceful strokes in order to achieve necessary velocity for completing the distance.
  16. Fitshop Telliskivi: Kui hindad kvaliteeti!

    Valik batoone -50 %
  17. Siis kui mina Revalisse jõudsin olid teiste trennid juba lõppenud aga piinasin tuharat korralikult!
  18. Pikkus 159-160 cm. Olenevalt kas siis õhtul v hommikul mõõdetud
  19. Hei, hei kõikidele praegustele ja tulevastele Team Kiivikase liikmetele ja foorumi lugejatele. Fitness.ee all kannan ma nime BRIKI, kuid päris elus olen Aire Lossmann. Teen väikse tutvustuse enda kohta, milleks tuleb ajas mitu head aastat tagasi minna. Esimest korda elus astusin ma jõusaali aastal 2006 ja mitte üldse Eestis vaid Ecuadoris, kus ma parajasti õppisin. Polnud muud eesmärki kui Lõuna- Ameerika heast elust tekkinud liigset kehakaalu natuke maha raputada. Mäletan, et meie klubis oli treeneriks tillukene naine, kes alles oli emaks saanud, kuid ta vorm oli lausa super. Uurides lähemalt, selgus, et ta tegeleb bodyfitnessiga ja nähes ta pilte ning auhindu, tahtsin rohkem uurida selle spordi kohta. Sealse elukorralduse tõttu oli saalis käimine aga rohkem ajaviide kui tõsine treening. 2007 aastal kodumaale naastes oli mul kindel plaan ennast vormi ajada (kaal kuskil 65- 67 kg kui õigesti mäletan) aga selleks oli vaja kedagi, kes oskaks mind juhendada ja suunata. Peale paar kuud kestnud otsinguid sattusin ma fitness.ee foorumisse ja esitasin seal küsimuse: " Kus teha algust naiste fitnessiga"? Tänu foorumile tutvusin ma Ott Kiivikaga, kes lahkesti mind Reval Sporti kutsus ja alates 2008 aprillist hakkasin jõusaaliga rohkem tegelema. Vaikselt sai liigutud ning kaal langes ja keha muutus. Eks toitumine on olnud alati minu jaoks kõige raskem osa ja on ka seda praegu. Kui ma õigesti mäletan siis kaalusin kuskil 61- 62 kg . Aastal 2009 kolisin ma Saaremaale ja liitusin jõutõstjatega, kes minu kooli jõusaalis Jaan Salu juhendamisel rasket trenni tegid. Ka sinna sattumine oli juhus, sest otsustasin osaleda koolis korraldatud sangpommi rebimise ja tõukamise võistlustel, mille tulemusena kutsus Salu mind poistega ühte trenni. Kes Jaani teab siis tema käe all on sündinud mitu Euroopa ja maailmameistrit Võistlusteks hakkasin ma teadlikult valmistuma 2009 september ja dieet kujunes meeletult pikaks sest lavale astusin ma esimest korda 21. märtsil 2010 LEKV. Nendele võistlustele järgnes Reval Cup ja Eesti karikavõislused, olles kaalu langetanud 46,8 kg peale. Hoolimata sellest, et olen võistlus pausi pidanud pea 2 aastat juba, käin ma ikka trennis ja võistlusplaane pole ma maha matnud. Hetkel on suund võetud bikini fitnessi suunas, arvestades mu keha iseärasusi. Samuti olen ma proovinud oma panust anda Eestis kulturismi ja fitnessi edendamisele. Kõige õnnelikum olen ma ehk selle üle, et suutsin Eestis korraldatud klassikalise kulturismi MM-l kohtuniku eksami positiivselt sooritada ja oman nüüd IFBB rahvusvahelise kohtuniku litsentsi Aasta 2007. Kaal siis kuskil 65- 67 kg 2010 LEKV. Kaal 49 kg Pilt peale karikavõistlusi. Hommikune kaal oli 46.8 kg aga siin siis juba laetud korralikult 2 kuud tagasi tehtud reispilt Kaunases
  20. Kahju kuulda, et esimene maailmameister bikinis juba vahele jäi Või pigem peaks ütlema...USKUMATU
  21. The 1 gallery pic are a copy of EastLab photos