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Indrek R.

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Koik Indrek R. postitused

  1. Tere Fred! (1) Eeldades, et minu päevane baasainevahetus x liikumise koefitsiendiga 1,6 annab tulemuseks u. 3300 KCal ning massi lisamiseks võiks veel 200-300 KCal vähemalt lisada, siis 3x päevas süües peaks korraga ära sööma umbes 1200 KCal väärtuses toitu. Kas seda veidi palju pole? Eriti kui enamik peab tulema rasvast ja valgust. Mulle tundub, et ma lihtsalt ei tahaks või ei suudaks nii palju korraga süüa. Päevast vajalikku kaloraaži 5-6 korra peale jaotades peaks korraga sööma u. 500-600 KCal, mis on enam-vähem tehtav (ntx. täna sõin hommikusöögiks omleti, mis koosnes 4 munast / u. 200gr, 100 gr kodujuustust, 100 gr hapukoorest ning juurde veel lusikatäis kalaõli ja porgand ning banaan - kokku u. 600+ KCal). Kas on mingit erilist põhjust miks just peaks sööma 3x ning mitte 4-5-6, kui süüakse põhimõtteliselt sama toit? (2) Peamiselt olen oma toitumise puhul viimasel ajal järginud Dr. John Berardi soovitusi (www.johnberardi.com). Need ühtivad nii mitmeski sinu soovitustega, kuid on ka mõned erinevused (näiteks toidukordade sagedus...). Üks huvitavamaid Berardi soovitusi puudutab toidukombinatsioone. Nimelt leiab ta, et koos peaks sööma ainult kas valku + rasva või valku + süsivesikuid ning mitte kunagi ainult süsivesikuid või rasva+süsivesikuid (sõltumata sellest, kas sinna lisada juurde valk või mitte). Süsivesikute all peab ta silmas eelkõige tärkliserikkaid ja suhkrut sisaldavaid toite. Põhjus, miks ta selliseid kombinatsioone soovitab on järgmine (ümberjutustamise asemel kopeerin lõigu artiklist Massive Eating - Part 2): "Eating to get massive is a juggling act between three important concepts. As I stated in Part I, energy balance is only one. In focusing only on energy balance, individuals are ignoring the acute effects of eating on hormones, metabolism, and energy storage. So someone who argues that calorie balance is the only determinant in changing body composition is making the situation too simplistic. One of the goals of eating to grow should be to maximize the muscle gain to fat gain ratio. Basically you want to pack on the most muscle with the least amount of fat gain. To do this you need to understand which meal combos to pursue and which to avoid. The foundations of my recommendations in this area are based on the avoidance of a nasty scenario. The worst case scenario for someone trying to pack on muscle while minimizing fat gain is to have high blood levels of carbs, fat, and insulin at the same time. This is nasty because chronic elevation of insulin can increase the rate of transport of fats and carbs into fat cells. Although initially insulin shuttles nutrients into muscle cells, chronic insulin elevation will cause the muscles to become insulin resistant and refuse to take up nutrients. The adipose tissues, however, are greedy little pieces of cellular machinery and continue to take up nutrients at a rapid rate. So if you always have high levels of blood fats and carbs in the presence of insulin (the kind your body makes, not the kind that comes in a syringe), your muscles will slow their uptake of nutrients and all that fat and carbs will feed the fat cells. Can you say Shamu? Before you make a rash decision and try to eliminate insulin, I've got to let you know that insulin is very anabolic. It's responsible for carb and amino acid delivery to the muscles for recovery and growth. So you need insulin, but you need to control it. And when you eat to promote insulin surges, you've got to be sure that you have the ideal profile of macronutrients in your blood to ensure that this insulin surge leads to muscle gain and not fat gain. This is where meal combinations come into play. Let's start with some meal combinations to avoid. Avoid meals containing fats and carbs Unfortunately, this is the typical meal of the Western diet. As a result, it's no wonder that obesity is an epidemic. Meals with a high carbohydrate content in combination with high-fat meals can actually promote a synergistic insulin release when compared to the two alone. High fat with high-carb meals represent the worst possible case scenario. Now, some people have argued that fat lowers the glycemic index of foods and should therefore be included in carb meals. But remember, the glycemic index only gives a measure of glucose response to a meal, not insulin response. And sometimes the glucose responses to a meal and the insulin responses to a meal aren't well correlated. So although you might be slowing the rate of glucose absorption into the blood by adding fat to your meals, you'll promote high blood levels of fats, carbs, and insulin. And that's a no-no! Avoid meals high in carbs alone Ironically, since the liver converts excess carbohydrates into fats, a very high carbohydrate meal can actually lead to a blood profile that looks like you just ate a high carb and high-fat meal! That's why high-carb diets don't work any better than ones rich in fats and carbs. High carb meals easily promote high blood levels of fats, carbs, and insulin, too. Okay, so now that we know which meal combinations are evil. Let's be proactive and talk about what meal combinations to concentrate on. Eat meals containing protein and carbs (with minimal fat) It's well known in the research world that eating carbs and protein together also creates a synergistic insulin release (much like the fat and carb meals above). But in this scenario, that insulin release is just what we want. By having a few meals per day that cause high blood levels of insulin, carbs, and amino acids (as long you don't have chronic high blood levels of insulin all day long), the body tends to become very anabolic, taking up all those carbs and amino acids into the muscle cells for protein and glycogen synthesis. And since there's no excess fat for the fat cells, fat gain is minimized. Obviously this combination is beneficial during the post-workout period, but in addition you might want one or two additional insulin spikes per day to promote anabolism during a mass phase. Again, as long as you aren't elevating insulin all day long, you won't become insulin resistant. At this point some may argue that although this scenario might not promote fat gain, those high insulin levels will prevent fat breakdown (lipolysis). And they're completely correct! But you have to understand that most meals (unless they contain only certain types of protein) will elevate insulin levels to the point that lipolysis is prevented. So you can't escape that unless you eat a ketogenic diet with only specific types of low insulin releasing proteins. But since ketogenic diets don't put on muscle mass and there are all sorts of problems associated with them, I think they should be avoided. Since muscle gain is the goal, two or three meals per day of anabolism are necessary to get bigger and that means protein plus carbs with minimal to no fat. Eat meals containing protein and fat (with minimal carbs) Although it's desirable to eat some meals each day that release lots of insulin, upregulate protein synthesis, and fill up carb stores, it's advisable to avoid too many such meals. I discussed the reasons for this above (reduced insulin sensitivity and prevention of fat burning), but also, since we all know that essential fatty acids are so important to health and favorable body composition, eating protein and carb meals all day will prevent the ingestion of healthy fats. And that's no good. In an attempt to balance out your two or three carb plus protein (minimal fat) meals each day, you should be eating an additional two to three meals consisting of protein and fat with minimal carbs. Taking in 30% of each major class of fatty acids (polyunsaturates, monounsaturates, saturates) is a good mass building tip when thinking about which fats to consume. Taking a step back, the purpose of protein plus fat meals is to provide energy and amino acids without causing large, lipolysis-preventing insulin spikes. In addition, after fatty meals that contain no carbs, the body oxidizes less carbs (more carbs are stored and retained in the muscle as glycogen) and burns more fat for energy. So basically you'll be burning fat for energy and storing carbs in the muscle after such meals. I hope that it's clear now that by properly combining meals, you can use the acute effects of food to your advantage. Eat protein plus fat during some meals and you may be burning fat during certain portions of the day. Eat protein plus carbs for some meals and you may be growing during other portions of the day. Although I know some will think this is blasphemy, this type of eating may actually help you get bigger while reducing your body fat during the same training phase. ------ Mida sa sellest kombinatsioonide jutust arvad ja kuidas see sobitub sinu kogemustega? Tervitades Indrek
  2. Keha areng!?

    Mis raskustega sa 5x5 kükki, jõutõmmet ja rinnalt surumist hetkel teed? Oleks hea võrrelda, kuna olen ise 24, 1.87 ja 83 kg, r-% umbes 7-8. Mina tunnen küll 5x5 kava juures, et lähen kogu aeg tugevamaks ja lihas kasvab samuti. Võib-olla on sinu puhul asi siiski toitumises. Kasuta seda kalkulaatorit ja arvuta välja palju sul päevas tegelikult kaloreid vaja läheb - olen kindel, et üllatud: http://www.johnberardi.com/updates/july262...scalculator.htm Loe ka neid artikleid: http://www.johnberardi.com/articles/nutrit...asseating_1.htm http://www.johnberardi.com/articles/nutrit...asseating_2.htm http://www.johnberardi.com/articles/nutrit...eating_rl_1.htm http://www.johnberardi.com/articles/nutrit...eating_rl_2.htm Edu, Indrek
  3. Treening 2x nädalas?

    Minu arvates piisab 2x korrast täiesti. Mõne kehatüübi puhul on üle selle tegemine isegi vastunäidustatud. Ei oska ühelegi paremale leheküljele suunata kui www.stronglifts.com
  4. Keha areng!?

    Et täpsemalt midagi soovitada võiksid kirjutada kui vana, pikk ja raske oled. Olen ise kunagi 5x5 full-body järgi treeninud ja praegu treenin ka ning üpris edukalt, olles kerelt samuti ektomorf. Peamine küsimus mida 5x5 tüüpi kavade puhul endalt küsida on: "Kas ma lähen tugevamaks?" Kas sa paned igal nädalal või iga paari nädala tagant oma 5x5 harjutustele (eriti Kükile, Jõutõmbele, Surumistele, Tõmmetele) 2,5 kg juurde või mitte? Kui regulaarselt paned, siis on tõenäoliselt kasvu puudumise probleem toitumises. Kui mitte, siis on midagi valesti selle koha pealt, kuidas treenid (toitumises võib ka veel muidugi lisaprobleem olla). Tõenäoliselt on viga selles, et treenid LIIGA PALJU ja puhkad liiga vähe. See fitness.ee 5x5 kava on võib-olla sobilik võistlevale kulturistile (või ka mitte...mina ei tea...), aga ma arvan, et ühele ektomorfile on seda palju. Proovi teha 2x nädalas, 2 päeva vahel. Kõik isolatsiooniharjutused jäta ära seni kuni tunned, et saad ilusti iga nädal raskust lisada. Aeroobse tegemiseks ma ka erilist vajadust ei näe, kui üldiselt vormis oled ja spordi jaoks vaja pole. Kui tahad teha, tee intervalltreeningut. Kava poolest soovitaks midagi sellist: I Kükk 5x5 Rinnalt surumine 5x5 Kangiga tõmme 5x5 (vt. siit kuidas teha: http://stronglifts.com/how-to-perform-the-...per-technique/) Kangiga biitseps 5x5 II Jõutõmme 5x5 Üles surumine 5x5 Lõuatõmbed (raskusega) 5x5 Rööbaspuudel surumine (raskusega) 5x5 Stronglifts.com leheküljel võiksid veel veidi ringi vaadata. Edu, Indrek