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Pro contests, results, photos, news etc. 2015 - Egle San Marino Pro võitja!

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212 // TOP 6

1. Flex Lewis

2. Jose Raymond

3. Hidetada Yamagishi

4. David Henry

5. Eduardo Correa

6. Guy Gisternino


Flex on vägev. Ilus vaadata :)

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Mr O TOP 4
1. Phil Heath

2. Dexter Jackson

3. Shawn Rhoden
4. Dennis Wolf

Dexter is the man :)

EDIT: rest in the TOP 10:
5. Mamdouh Elssbiay, Egypt
6. Branch Warren, USA
7. Roelly Winklaar, Curacao
8. William Bonac, Netherlands
9. Victor Martinez, Dominican Republic
10. Essa Obaid, UAE

There they are.

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Kas keegi teab, raskemate ja kergemate Mr Olympiaid ka võrreldakse veel omavahel nagu omal ajal Arnoldit ja Francot? :huh:

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And the next post-olympia show is around the corner, Prague Pro is coming up this weekend:

The complete competitor lists //

Competitor list posted September 28, 2015, 1:45pm EDT




Roman Fritz 5 days out from his pro debut //

Milan Sadek's pre show sneak peak, another interesting pro debut here // http://www.kulturistika.com/sporty/kulturistika/milan-sadek-v-priprave-na-evls-prague-pro-2015-0

Video // http://kulturistika.ronnie.cz/c-22935-treninkovy-videolog-milan-sadek-05-2015.html


Jerry Ossi heading to Prague and -212 class, a recent photo update //

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Ta juba esines ja sai viimase väljakutse....so tagumise otsa meestega AC

Ok...muljetavaldavad käed, aga nõrgavõitu rind ning oleme ausad- tõsiseltvõetavast vormist oli veel asi päris kaugel :ph34r:

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Emiliano Dell'uomo heading to the Prague show //


Miha Zupan jumps in the pro league as well - Prague pro -212 division //one week out shots


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Results // Prague // Men's open

1. Dexter Jackson (USA)
2. Mamdouh "Big Ramy" Elssbiay (Egypt)
3. Shawn Rhoden (USA)

4. Dennis Wolf (Germany)
5. William Bonac (Netherlands)
6. Roelly Winklaar (Curacao)

Results // Prague // -212

1. Jose Raymond (USA)
2. David Henry (USA)
3. Ahmad Ahmad (Iraq)

4. Raul Carrasco (Spain)
5. Milan Šádek (Czech Republic)
6. Okeksandr Slobodyanyuk (Ukraine)

Results // Prague // bikini

1. Janet Layug (USA)
2. Courtney King (USA)
3. Vladimíra Krásová (Czech Republic)

4. Noemi Olah (Hungary)
5. Sandra Jokic (Norway)
6. Christina Fjaere (Norway)

Complete results with scores available at http://www.ifbbpro.com/results/2015-evls-prague-pro-scorecards/

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