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The Experiment

There are no meats, fruits, vegetables, or breads here. Besides olive oil for fatty acids and table salt for sodium and chloride nothing is recognizable as food. I researched every substance the body needs to survive, plus a few extras shown to be beneficial, and purchased all of them in nearly raw chemical form from a variety of sources. The section on the ingredients ended up being quite long so I'll save that for a future post. The first morning my kitchen looked more like a chemistry lab than a cookery, but I eventually ended up with an thick, odorless, beige liquid. I call it 'Soylent'...

Allikas: http://robrhinehart.com/?p=298

Järgnevas postituses lisab ta kõik Soylenti koostisosad, ja ülejärgmises räägib olukorrast pärast 2 kuud.

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