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Hera 80 vs Pro Isolate

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Aga kas see, et Heral on suurem rasvasisaldus, aitab paremini ka massi juurde saada? Kuna mul on ülikiire seedimine, on massi päris raske saada.

Pigem takistab valgu kiiret imendumist. Rasva tarbi teiste einetega, mitte trennijärgse sheigiga.

Ei ütleks, et see raudkindlalt nii on.


"Three groups of volunteers ingested one of three milk drinks each: 237 g of fat-free milk(FM), 237 g of whole milk (WM), and 393 g of fat-free milk isocaloric with the WM (IM). Milk was ingested 1 h following a leg resistance exercise routine."

"Net amino acid uptake for threonine was 2.8-fold greater (P < 0.05) for WM than for FM. Mean uptake of phenylalanine was 80 and 85% greater for WM and IM, respectively, than for FM, but not statistically different. Threonine uptake relative to ingested was significantly (P < 0.05) higher for WM (21 +/- 6%) than FM (11 +/- 5%), but not IM (12 +/- 3%). Mean phenylalanine uptake/ingested also was greatest for WM, but not significantly."

*** Rasvane piim lausa kiirendas aminohapete imendumist võrreldes rasvata piimaga. Ning isegi siis, kui rasvata piima joodi rohkem, et kaloraaži kompenseerida ning tõstes nii ka valgusisalduse tunduvalt suuremaks - näitas rasvane piim ikka paremaid tulemusi.


"However, it is of further interest to determine whether the addition of fat and protein to carbohydrate feedings affects muscle glycogen storage"

"There were no differences between trials in muscle glycogen storage over 24 h "

*** Ehk minu arust ei ole mõtet väga paanitseda selle rasva pärast kui tundub, et ei mõjuta ta ei glükogeenivarude taastamist (Mis pole tavalisele saalitreenijale oluline niivõinaa, seda sai teises teemas lahatud küll ja küll juba) ning arvatavasti mõjutab minimaalselt ka valkude imendumist. Ja kui ka mõjutab, kas see oleks halb?


"This study was designed to examine the acute response of muscle protein balance to ingestion of two different intact proteins after resistance exercise"

"Healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to one of three groups. Each group consumed one of three drinks: placebo (PL; N = 7), 20 g of casein (CS; N = 7), or whey proteins (WH; N = 9)."

"Acute ingestion of both WH and CS after exercise resulted in similar increases in muscle protein net balance, resulting in net muscle protein synthesis despite different patterns of blood amino acid responses."

*** Ehk siis neile, kes fännavad sheike peale trenni ja usuvad, et neist mingit kasu tõuseb, siis isegi kui tõuseb, on suhteliselt ebaoluline millist tüüpi toodet kasutada. Kas imendub kiiresti ja kohe, või pikemalt ja vähem korraga. Pole eriti oluline.


"Our results suggest that resistance exercise performed until failure confers a sensitizing effect on human skeletal muscle for at least 24 h that is specific to the myofibrillar protein fraction."


"The response of muscle protein metabolism to a resistance exercise bout lasts for 24-48 hours; thus, the interaction between protein metabolism and any meals consumed in this period will determine the impact of the diet on muscle hypertrophy."

"Following exercise, insulin has only a permissive role on muscle protein synthesis, but it appears to inhibit the increase in muscle protein breakdown. Ingestion of only small amounts of amino acids, combined with carbohydrates, can transiently increase muscle protein anabolism, but it has yet to be determined if these transient responses translate into an appreciable increase in muscle mass over a prolonged training period."

*** Ehk lihaste vastuvõtlikkus toitainetele on kõrgendatud mitu päeva, pole näha mingit lisamõju "kiirete" valkude tarbimise puhul. Ning üleüldse selline "aeglane" asi nagu Rasvane Piim töötas kiiremini ja paremini, kui rasvatu ja suurema valguannusega piim.

Eks tehke omasid järeldusi. :)

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Okei, toon siis oma mingisuguse toitumiskava kooli aja sest see on pigem probleemsem.

Hommik 8- 9:00 umbes - Kohv koorega, muna, paar võileiba (sepik või sai) singi või juustuga.

Lõuna 12:00- 13:00 umbes - Kartul või riis; hakklihakaste/singi-seene kaste/kana-hakk pallid või muu taoline ja piim

18:00-19:00 umbes - Põhimõtteliselt midagi sama mis lõunalgi, st. mingi praad.

22:00-23:00 umbes - Kohupiim, mõnikord midagi muud ka näksin natuke.

Ega see toitumine korras päris ei ole küll. Pigem on kooli ajal mure, et ei ole aega süüa lihtsalt. Näiteks kui olin suvel 2,5 kuud kodus ja tegin trenni ning sõin lihtsalt hästi palju, võtsin kohe selle ajaga 4,5kg juurde, aga praegu kaal suht seisab. Ja ka see on täiesti tavaline, et kaal kõigub päeva jooksul 1,5 kilo ringis. See on tavaline asi et hommikul ärgates olen 71,5kg ja õhtul 73 kilo. Olgu siis juba öeldud ka et pikkus 188cm, vanus 18.

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Post too long, didn't read. :rolleyes:

Tean jah, et selliseid arvamusi on ka, aga nagu ikka igasuguste selliste faktikestega, siis ma pigem usaldan aastakümneid püsinud tarkusi, kui hakkan iga uue "leiu" järgi tõmblema.

Aga palun. Kiviajas elamine on ka tubli eesmärk. :)

Kindlasti olid sinu esivanemad ühed viimased, kes lõpuks pidid vihastena tunnistama, et kurat jah, maa ei olegi lapik. Aga no krt, aastakümneid, sadu ja isegi tuhandeid aastaid ju püsis "tarkus" ,et ta oli lapik. Ai, ai, ai.

Ega ma paha pärast, aga ei ole mõtet lihtsalt vanu teadmisi kummardada, kuna uusi ei tunnistata piisavalt palju, see on tobedus.

The Appeal to Common Practice is a fallacy with the following structure:

1. X is a common action.

2. Therefore X is correct/moral/justified/reasonable, etc.

The basic idea behind the fallacy is that the fact that most people do X is used as "evidence" to support the action or practice. It is a fallacy because the mere fact that most people do something does not make it correct, moral, justified, or reasonable.


The Appeal to Popularity has the following form:

1. Most people approve of X (have favorable emotions towards X).

2. Therefore X is true.

The basic idea is that a claim is accepted as being true simply because most people are favorably inclined towards the claim. More formally, the fact that most people have favorable emotions associated with the claim is substituted in place of actual evidence for the claim. A person falls prey to this fallacy if he accepts a claim as being true simply because most other people approve of the claim.

This sort of "reasoning" is quite common and can be quite an effective persusasive device. Since most humans tend to conform with the views of the majority, convincing a person that the majority approves of a claim is often an effective way to get him to accept it

Muudetud kasutaja Archangel poolt

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