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Siim Kelner

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I can explain it. That's an idiot guy from brazil that don't know what mean No Pain No Gain. He wanted to make the biceps grow by injecting an oil in it and got an infection. The oil is called ADE, a mix of vitamins used in horses. Stupid guy, It was noticed in the brazillian tv weeks ago. Shaming...

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I can explain it. That's an idiot guy from brazil that don't know what mean No Pain No Gain. He wanted to make the biceps grow by injecting an oil in it and got an infection. The oil is called ADE, a mix of vitamins used in horses. Stupid guy, It was noticed in the brazillian tv weeks ago. Shaming...

Too boldiga toodud osa lauses on ebakorrektne väide, ja kogu mõte seetõttu vale. Asi siis selles, et pain-i ehk valu ENHANCING OIL'i kasutaja tunneb piisavalt.

Harivat lugemist siin:


Edited by CharlesRoos

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Midagi leidsin veel...

Sorry bro, but it's not cause needles, not even cause steroids. I've just explained before. It's a mix of the vitamins A, D and E (used as a cheapest synthol) injected in the muscle, that cause a kind of located inflammation, giving the false impression of muscle growth. Look how ridiculous are the results:

Algne allikas

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Mitmesuguseid konkreetseid tooteid on, osade õlide sees on steroide nö ,ja saab toodet steroidiks nimetada, osades mitte.

Ses suhtes korrektne võis olla öelda küll ,et pole steroidiga tegu.

Aga too minu toodud link on hea hariv, soovitan.

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Tegelt oli päris mõnus vaadata kuidas see pask välja voolas :):) Lõpu poole, kuid doktor sõrme sisse pistis läks asi veidi tülgastavamaks. Muidu päris vaadatav :( 5+ videole.

PS! Neil oleks praktilisem olnud mingi paari liitrine kauss alla panna :P

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Alguses tuli see pruunikas möks, kuid lõpus oli juba selline paks veri.

Päris rõve oli tõesti vaadata ja biitseps vähenes päris jõudsalt :)

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