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Arnold Classic Europe 2014 / amateur & pro - Kristina Nuut 1 ja Egle Eller -Nabi 2!

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Norway keeps dominating - also the victories at MP junior class and junior bikini class went to Norway - Alexander Myrvold and Lone Norås.

Junior bikini TOP 3, photo by IFBB Norway


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Still no resultlists but more photogalleries available //

Team-andro.com // master's bikini // won by Ana Hernandez, Spain // http://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=2365


Masters physique women // http://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=2366


Junior bikini fitness // won by Lone Norås, Norway http://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=2367


Men's BB up to 85 and up to 90kg // http://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=2368

Zoki Kolevski taking top honors in -90kg class...

TOP 3 at -85kg class, Nezar Ghazali placed 2nd here, unfortunatelly not recognizing the winner, sorry for that.


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CBB galleries // http://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=2369

TOP 3 in up to 175cm class: Bendroraitis - Martinez - Evgeny Gemzin


CBB up to 180cm TOP 3: ? - Iranian Saeid Sadekhifar (1.) - Pavlenco (3.)


Over 180cm: looks like Juri Leinvald took 3rd! :) Also the win to Russia taken by Sergei Khalepo.


Over all comparison:

Martinez - Sadekhifar - Khalepo






CBB over all winner - Sergei Khalepo, Russia


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For more photos, please visit the photogalleries by Body-xtreme.de // http://www.body-xtreme-fotos.de/index.php?cat=248 (as there are 2 different stages with classes on stage at the same time, some classes / comparisons which Team-andro.com had missed, you might find here)

Men's physique over all winner - Diogo Montenegro, Brazil


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Some footage of women's master physique //

Joanna Romano, who won this class, in her free routine //

Also pro part of the event is scheduled for today, Aceto & McMillan previewing the show //

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Women's physique galleries http://www.team-andro.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=2370&page=1#ta_thumblist-mode-thumb

I do NOT like bodybuilding look to be awarded in WPD. IMO Alina should have taken this comparison hands down.

In physique over all comparisons Cristina Goy (92) vs Alina Cepurniene (72)





Over all winner Cristina Goy, Spain...


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Vaatasin ka -100 ja -95 kuid seal just keskmine tase tundub sel aastal suht nõrk. +100 seal eesotsas on ikka parajaid kolle, kuid hetkel keskmise taseme poolest tundubki -90 kg kõige raskem kategooria. Igas katis on esimesed paar kolm väga head, kuid siis tase langeb. -85 kilo kus võistlesid ka kaks meest kes minu katis olid Norras, nemad finaali ei saanud, kuid samas -85 keskmine tase ei tundunud väga ulme. Usun ,et MM näitame oma parimat konditsiooni ja mõttekoht kumbas teha ka -85 või -90kg.

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Seems like Fateev took top honors in SHW category, Petar Klancir 2nd!


Quick results of BB up to 100kg:

1. John Andrew Cifra

2. Kille Kujala

BB up to 95kg class was won by Morteza Oveisi Pakniyat, Harald Schober placed 2nd.

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Any results of Estonians?

IFBB Sweden informs Frida Sjöström, Sweden celebrated the victory at bikini fitness up to 166cm class.


More success to Norway as Mette Stensland won the tall body fitness class!


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Natalia just helistas, uskumatu lugu, seda et Egle võib nii kõrgele jõuda, seda võis oodata, kuid Kristiina võit, see on uskumatu lugu! Reet samas kategoorias kahjuks 6 sekka ei saanud. Superesitlus meie naistelt! Kristina esineb ka absoluudis koos teiste võitjatega.

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