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13 aastat tagasi tegid arstid mind ühe neeru jagu vaesemaks. Pärast seda olen elanud igati täisväärtuslikku elu ja tegelenud motospordiga. Hektel olen 23 a. ja alles jäänud neeruga ühtegi probleemi seni esinenud ei ole.

Küll aga on tekkinud minus huvi selle vastu, et kas ja kuidas võiks minu füüsilist võimekust ja taastumist mõjutada ühe neeru puudumine. Kui kellegil on selles vallas teadmisi/kogemusi, oleks väga tore kui neid minuga jagaks :D

Olen viimasel ajal tõsisemalt treenima hakanud ning kui on mingeid nüansse mida võiksin silmas pidada oleks hea teada.

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13 aastat tagasi tegid arstid mind ühe neeru jagu vaesemaks. Pärast seda olen elanud igati täisväärtuslikku elu ja tegelenud motospordiga. Hektel olen 23 a. ja alles jäänud neeruga ühtegi probleemi seni esinenud ei ole.

Küll aga on tekkinud minus huvi selle vastu, et kas ja kuidas võiks minu füüsilist võimekust ja taastumist mõjutada ühe neeru puudumine. Kui kellegil on selles vallas teadmisi/kogemusi, oleks väga tore kui neid minuga jagaks :D

Olen viimasel ajal tõsisemalt treenima hakanud ning kui on mingeid nüansse mida võiksin silmas pidada oleks hea teada.

Igasuguseid lollusi ei maksa s88misega teha (kreatiini yleannustamine, liigne valgu s88mine pikka aega jne ).

Fyysiline koormus, kui sa ennast suisa vigastama ei hakka on OK.

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Anemia is one of the most common complications of kidney failure, affecting the majority of people who are living with end stage renal disease. Fortunately, there are many treatment options available which can help limit the impact of anemia on the body.

Anemia occurs when the body has a shortage of red blood cells. These cells are needed to carry oxygen throughout the body, and to help provide the energy people need to function.

In people with kidney problems, anemia often occurs because the kidneys are no longer producing an important chemical called erythropoietin. This chemical helps regulate the production of red blood cells. If there aren’t enough red blood cells in the body, anemia develops. Blood loss from hemodialysis can also contribute to anemia.

Symptoms that indicate you may be suffering from anemia include:

* Pale skin

* Lack of energy

* Depression

* Poor sleep

* Reduced appetite

* Dizziness or inability to focus or think clearly

* Shortness of breath

* Rapid heartbeat

Anemia can affect anyone at any time, but it is more common with people who have chronic conditions like kidney disease.

At some point, almost everyone whose kidneys have failed will need treatment for anemia. It’s important to be treated early, in order to avoid any possible complications. Long-term anemia can cause damage to the heart and other problems.

Experts recommend that people with kidney disease have their blood checked yearly to make sure they have not developed anemia. Simple tests to measure hemoglobin (the part of the red blood cells that carry oxygen) and hematocrit (how much of the blood is made up of red blood cells) levels will indicate whether or not you are anemic.

Treatments for anemia include:

* Supplements (B12, folic acid and iron)

* Medications to increase the production of red blood cells, including injections of synthetic erythropoietin

* Transfusions

Changes to your diet may be necessary to manage anemia, but they should only be made under the strict supervision of your dietitian and doctor in order to make sure your kidneys are protected.

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